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level: 1.3 - Los Indocumentados - Problemas

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 1.3 - Los Indocumentados - Problemas

to camp outacampar
to accept/to embraceacoger
to go deep intoadentrar
to drownahogarse
to arrestapresar
supportel arraigo
arrivalel arribo
legal adviceel asesoramiento jurídico
to helpauxiliar
to look forbuscar
to fallcaer
refuge centreel centro de asistencia
to getconseguir
smugglerel contrabandista
to crosscruzar
to look aftercuidar
to deportdeportar
rightslos derechos
to discoverdescubrir
to arrestdetener
to registerempadronar
to head/to leadencabezar
the Straits (of Gibraltar)el estrecho
to avoidevadir
to diefallecer
to signfirmar
civil servantel funcionario
to hitgolpear
to shoutgritar
injured personel herido
to sinkhundir
equalityla igualdad
immigrants without any documents/paperslos indocumentados
to enteringresar
to investinvertir
to achievelograr
neverthelessno obstante
to paypagar
the native populationla población autóctona
povertyla pobreza
policy/politicsla política
to startponer en marcha
the Pressla prensa
GDPel producto interior bruto
to resort torecurrir
to legaliseregularizar
remittanceslas remesas
riskel riesgo
survivorel sobreviviente
the rate ofla tasa de
to landtocar tierra
traffickerel traficante
to process (paperwork)tramitar
to carrytransportar
to movetrasladar
treatmentel trato
journeyla travesía
thresholdel umbral
to get togetherunirse