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level: Operations

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level questions: Operations

Common issues that must be checked during the preflight inspection of an sUAS is...?Propeller damage (nicks, cracks, bends) Propeller installation issues Security of all panels, doors and other compartments Security of attachments (Cameras, antennaie, etc...) Batteries should be inspected for damages (bloated or looks abnormal)
At airports, what is used to issue taxi information on a runway?Ground Control Frequencies Note: Aircraft should not change to GCF until directed to do so by the ATC
The key to operating at an airport without an operating control tower is......?Selection of the correct CTAF and can identified in the Chart Supplement U.S. and the Sectional Chart
CTAF is the frequency on which.......?Pilots (manned and unmanned) announce their and monitor other aircraft intentions, locations, or other pertinent information in the area
If an airport has a part time ATCT, the CTAF is usually a......?Tower Frequency
Where there is no tower at an airport, the CTAF is usually....?UNICOM (if available)
What type of communication is UNICOM limited to.....?The necessities of safe and expeditious operation of private aircraft pertaining to runways and wind conditions Types of fuel available Weather Dispatching Ground Transportation, Food, Lodging and services available
When no tower or UNICOM is available.....use the MULTICOM frequency 122.9 for self-announce procedures
Where more than one airport is using the same frequency, to avoid transmission confusion......?State the airport name followed by the term "traffic" at the beginning and end of the transmission (EX. Manatee traffic, ........................, Manatee Traffic)
The most commonly used sUAS radio frequencies are.......?2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz
Frequency interference can occur when operating an sUAS in areas with.......?many wireless signals (i.e. near dense housing or office buildings)
To avoid frequency interference, many modern sUAS use.....?5.8 GHz system to control the sUAS, and a 2.4 GHz system to transmit video and photographs to the ground
Both the 2.4 and 5.8 GHz systems are considered.......?Line of sight, meaning any barriers between the sUA and the CS might cause interference
Which operating frequencies are unlicensed and can be used freely with FCC approval?900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz Note: all other frequencies require a user-specified license to be obtained from the FCC
To ensure that there are no potential interfering transmissions in the area, it is recommended that the remote PIC utilize a.......?Frequency spectrum analyzer prior to operation
As standard operating practice, all inbound and local traffic approaching or near an airport without a control tower should continuously monitor the appropriate facility from a distance of?10 miles
The continuous broadcast (Listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. for an airport) of non-control information in selected high-activity terminal areas is the......?Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
Absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that...?the ceiling is at least 5,000 feet and visibility is 5 miles or more
What services does an FSS provide?Pilot briefings Enroute Comms VFR search and rescue sevices Assists lost aircraft Assist Aircraft in emergencies Relays ATC clearances Originates NOTAMs Broadcasts aviation weather and NAS information Receives and processes IFR flight plans Monitors NAVAIDs
What transmits command instructions to the aircraft?The uplink
What transmits the status of the aircraft and provides situational awareness to the remote PIC?The downlink
A Lost Link is an?Interruption or loss of control link between the UA and the CS, preventing control of the aircraft Considered an abnormal situation but not an emergency (not considered a flyaway)
In the event of a Lost Link, the UA may perform pre-set lost link procedures, such procedures ensure...?1.) the UA remains airborne in a predictable or planned maneuver (allows time to reestablish the comms link) 2.) Autolands (if available)
The intentional and deliberate process of performing controlled flight to the ground is called....?Flight termination
Flight termination points (FTPs) or alternative contingency planning measures must...?1.) Be located within power-off glide distance (fixed wing) or low power rapid descent (rotor wing) 2.) Be based on the assumption of an unrecoverable system failure 3.) Take into consideration altitude, winds, and other factors 4.) Take into account obstacles, persons , congested areas, and other aircraft operations
When does a Lost Link (abnormal situation) develop into a flyaway (emergency situation)?When the pre-set lost link procedures are not established or are not being executed by the unmanned aircraft, creating an emergency situation.
When a flyaway occurs, when must a remote PIC contact ATC?When operating in an airspace that requires authorization
The risk of battery fires for sUAS are a real concern because?sUAS often utilize high energy density, rechargeable batteries where the charge/discharge cycle involves significant changes in temperature which can stress internal components of the battery
Before each flight, batteries must be inspected for...?Obvious damage Bloating or deformation Excessive heat
Both lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries are..?Highly flammable Capable of self-ignition Subject to thermal runaway
A battery is capable of self-ignition when it......?1.) Short circuits 2.) Is Overcharged 3.) Is heated to extreme temperatures 4.) Mishandled 5.) Is otherwise defective
Thermal runaways usually occur during....?A rapid discharge event such as a short or structural failure within the battery cell
What are some characteristics of a battery experiencing thermal runaway?The battery may hiss and release gas The battery may smoke or catch fire The battery may explode
When extinguishing a lithium battery fire, what is inadvisable?Using water to extinguish the fire
What type of fire extinguisher is recommended to assist in fire suppression of a lithium battery fire?Type D, designed fore chemical and combustible metal fires
What methods are recommended to be used to extinguish a lithium battery fire?1.) Type D Fire extinguisher 2.) Covering the battery in sand to smother the fire
Where should batteries be charged and stored?Battery bags specifically designed to contain battery failures
What storage precautions can be taken to prevent a battery fire?1.) Prevent short circuits by placing each individual battery in the original retail package, separate plastic bag, a protective pouch or by insulating exposed terminals with tape 2.) Do not allow spare batteries to come into contact with metal objects (i.e. coins or jewelry) 3.) Take steps to prevent objects from crushing, puncturing, or applying pressure on the battery
If a battery fire occurs.....?follow any manufacturer guidance for response procedures
Following flight, allow the battery to.....?COOL prior to charging or storing (allow battery to come to room temperatrue)
When disposing of a used or damaged battery, a remote PIC must....?Follow manufacturer guidance and local trash collection guidelines. sUAS batteries are typically considered hazardous material
A remote PIC and a VO defining their roles and responsibilities prior to and during the operation of a sUA is good use of?Crew Resource Managemetn
How does an remote PIC obtain situational awareness?Obtaining as much information as possible prior to a flight by understanding the: 1.) Performance capabilities of the sUAS 2.) Weather conditions 3.) Surrounding airspace 4.) Privacy issues 5.) ATC requirements
Aeronautical Decision making (ADM) is a......?systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances
Crew Resource Management (CRM) is the......?Effective use of all available resources - human, hardware, and information - prior to and during flight to ensure a successful outcome to the operation
CRM techniques typically used prior to and during sUAS flight operations include......?1.) Delegate operational tasks and manage crewmembers 2.) Recognize and address hazardous attitudes 3.) Establish effective team communication procedures 4.) Be open to questions an concerns of any and all crewmemebers
An Safety Management System is an....?Top down business-like approach to managing safety risk. This includes a systematic approach to safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, polices, and procedures.
Hazardous attitudes can affect operations and can lead to situations such as....?1.) Falling behind in the progress of the aircraft/situation 2.) Operating without adequate fuel/battery reserve 3.) Loss of positional or situational awareness 4.) Operating outside the unmanned aircrafts flight envelope 5.) Failure to complete all flight planning tasks, preflight inspections, and checklists
What are the (5) hazardous attitudes that can interfere with the ability to make sound decisions and properly exercise authority?Anti Authority - "Don't tell me what to do" Impulsivity - "Do it quickly" Invulnerability - "It wont happen to me" Machoism - "I can do it - I'll show them." Resignation - "What's the use"
What are the indicators of a Anti Authority Attitude?The person does not like or may resent anyone telling him or her what to do. The person may regard rules, regulations, and procedures as silly or unnecessary. (Note: it is always your prerogative to question authority if you feel it is in error.)
What are the indicators of a Impulsivity Attitude?The person frequently feels the need to do something, anything, immediately. He or she does not stop to think about the best alternative and does the first thing that comes to mind.
What are the indicators of a Invulnerability Attitude?The person falsely believes that accidents happen to others, but never to him or her. The person know accidents can happen and that anyone can be affected. However, the person never really feels or believes that he or she will be personally involved. Such people are more likely than others to take chances and increase risk.
What are the indicators of a Machoism Attitude?The person tries to prove that he or she is better than anyone else. The person takes risks to impress others. (Note: while this pattern is thought to be a male characteristic, females are equally susceptible.)
What are the indicators of a Resignation Attitude?The person does not believe his or her actions make a difference in what happens. The person attributes outcomes to good or bad luck. He or she leaves the action to others, for better or worse. Sometimes, the person even goes along with unreasonable requests just to be the "nice-guy"
Sound risk management skills will help.....?Prevent and break the final "link" in the accident chain.
What is the best way to mitigate risk?Establishing an operational procedure guidline
The deficiency of carbon dioxide within the body (can be the result of rapid breathing due to emotional tension, anxiety or fear)Hyperventilation
What are the recommended methods to overcome the symptoms of hyperventilation?Talking aloud Breathing into a bag Slowing the breathing rate
The term given to the critical loss of water from the body?Dehydration Symptoms include headache, fatigue, cramps, sleepiness, and dizziness
To prevent dehydration,drink two to four quarts of water every 24 hours
Condition caused by any inability of the body to control its temperatureHeatstroke Has been known to be recognized only upon complete collapse
This is indicated by shivering, clumsiness, slurred speech, confusion, low energy, discoloration of the skin (red or blue), and loss of consciousnessHypothermia
This is frequently associated with pilot error and effects include degradation of attention and concentration, impaired coordination, and decreased ability to communicate?Fatigue
Causes of physical fatigue include?Sleep loss Exercise Physical Work
Causes of mental fatigue include?Stress Prolonged performance of cognitive work
Fatigue can be either......?Acute Chronic
What is Acute Fatigue?It is short term and is a normal occurrence in everyday living It is the kind of tiredness people feel after periods of strenuous effort, excitement, or lack of sleep
What is Chronic Fatigue?Characterized by extreme fatigue or tiredness that doesn't go away with rest, and can't be explained by an underlying medical condition Can occur when there is not enough time for a full recovery from repeated episodes of Acute Fatigue
What can result from the mismanagement long term stress?Chronic Stress
What are some of the health conditions associated with chronic stress?Anxiety, high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, depression, confusion, mental errors, insomnia, and memory loss
Fatigue can be recognized.....?As being in an impaired state
Side effects of prescribed analgesics drugs include....?Mental confusion Dizziness Headaches Nausea Vision Problems
Side effects of prescribed antihistamines drugs include....?Note: example would be depressants lower blood pressure reduce mental processing slow motor and reaction responses
Risk Management, as part of the aeronautical decision making (ADM) process, relies on which features to reduce the risks associated with each flight?Situational awareness, problem recognition, and good judgement