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level: [2] ASD 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: [2] ASD 1

to threatenamenazar
to threatenamenazar
to threatenamenazar
total/the whole groupel conjunto
accountuna cuenta
profituna ganancia
footprintuna huella
profileel perfil
to track/to find tracesrastrear
to deduceentrever
to carry outrealizar
to review/checkrevisar
to create a profilecrear un perfil
to post/upload a photo or filecolgar/subir una foto o un archivo
to write (something) on your wallescribir (algo) en tu muro
to be up to dateestar al día
to make a friend requesthacer una solicitud de amistad
througha través de
because ofdebido a
according tosegún
to take into accounttener en cuenta
all of the above/previoustodo lo anterior
harassment/bullyingel acoso
cyberbullyingel ciberacoso
to intimidateintimidar
to threatenamenazar