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level: Level 1 of 8. Market and industry definition

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level questions: Level 1 of 8. Market and industry definition

What two dimensions does a market consist of?A market contains two dimensions: 1. Product dimension - close substitute or complementary products in consumption and production • Substitutes in consumption: large and positive CED • Complements in consumption: large and negative CED • Substitutes in production: large and negative CES • Complements in production: large and positive CES 2. Geographic dimension - change in a product’s price in one geographic location significantly affects the price in another location • Local regional, national, continental, or global • Spatial cross-price elasticities can be used
How is an industry defined?Industry - firms producing similar products, using similar technology, and using inputs from the same factor markets
How is a market defined?Market - contain supply/production and demand/consumption
How are industries clasified?Using codes developed by statistical offices: NAICS – North American Industry Classification System SIC – Standard Industrial Classification NACE – Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the EC DB – Dansk Branchekode (NACE with further subdivisions)