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level: eukaryotes pt 1

Questions and Answers List

definitions and properties

level questions: eukaryotes pt 1

golgi bodymodifies and transports molecules made in the ER into vacuoles for transport to outside
eukaryotestrue nucleus they can be multicellular or unicellular and are 1000-10000* larger than prokaryotes all cells of higher organisms and microbial species which coexist and interact in a cooperative manner
multicellularconsists of numerous cells with varied functions
unicellularall cells have the same range of functions
plasma membranelipid/protein/carbohydrate complex covered by cell wall thin in animal cells, thick in plant cells provides a barrier and gives support and signalling systems
cytoskeletonmicrofilaments and microtubules that suspend organelles, give shape, and allow motion
nucleusdouble membrane surrounding the chromosomes and the nucleolus pores allow specific communication controls catalytic activity of ribosomes DNA kept inside nucleus for protection (damage results in death or mutation)
nucleolussite of RNA synthesis making up the ribosome
mitochondriasurrounded by double membrane with cristae energy is produced via metabolism using oxygen contains its own DNA, believed to have originated as a captured bacterium
cristaea series of folds
chloroplasts (plastids)surrounded by a double membrane containing stacked thylakoid membranes responsible for photosynthesis and the trapping of light energy for the synthesis of sugars contains DNA believed to have originated as a captured bacterium found in phototrophic cells (not in animals)
lysosymesa membrane bound organelle responsible for degrading proteins / membranes in the cell and degrading materials ingested by the cell
ribosomessmall organelles that synthesise protein
vacuolesmembrane-surrounded 'bags' that contain water and storage materials found in phototrophic cells
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)a complex network of membranes that provides a transport system within the cell
smooth ERsite of lipid formation site where cells detoxify poisons (liver cells)
rough ERsite of protein formation and transport studded with ribosomes