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level: Characteristics of Phobias

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level questions: Characteristics of Phobias

Name two emtional characterisitcs of phobias ?Anxiety and fear
What is anxiety with phobias?A emotional response of anxiety, high state of arousal. Prevents relaxation, can be long term - hard to experience positive emotion
What is fear with phobias?Immediate and extremely unpleasent response. More intense, but shorter than anxiety. Usually unresonable, greater than 'normal fear' and disproportionante to any threat.
Name 3 behavioural characteristics of phobias?Panic, avoidance, endurance
What is panic?Invovles crying, screaming, running away. Children may frezze and have a tantrum
What is avoidance?Conscious effort to not face their fears, preventing coming into contact, makes it hard in their daily life
What is endurance?They choose to remain in the presense of the phobc stimulus
Name 3 cognitive characterisitcs of phobias?Selective attention to the phobic stimulus, irrational beliefs, cognitive distortions
What is selective attention to the phobic stimulus?Keeping attention to the stimulus, gives them best chance to act quickly. But its not useful if the fear is irrational
What is irrational beliefs?May hold unfounded thoughts, can't explain it and don't have a basis in reality.
What is cognitive distortions?Perceptions of people with phobias may be inaccurate and unrealistic.