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level: Characteristics of OCD

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Characteristics of OCD

Name 3 emtional characteristics of OCD?Anxiety and distress, accompanying depression, guilt and disgust
What is anxiety and distressParticularly unpleasent emotional experience because of obsessions and complusions. Obsessive thoughts are unpleasent, frightening can be overwhelming. Urge to repeat behaviour causes anxiety.
What is accompanying depression?Often accompanied by depression, complusive behaviours bring some relief from anxiety, but only temporary.
What is guilt and disgust?Negative emotions like irrational guilt. Minor moral issues of disgust from external factors or self.
Name 2 behavioural characterisitcs of OCD?Complusions are repetitive, avoidance
What is complusions are reptitive?Compelled to repeart a behaviour, like repetitive counting and praying - complusions can reduce anxiety. Majority of people with OCD have complusive behaviours that they have to try to manage to deal with anxiety. Only 10% of people with OCD don't show complusive behaviours
What is avoidance?Keeping away from a situation that can trigger their anxiety. But this can interfere with regular life.
Name 3 cognitive characterisitcs of OCD?Obsessive thoughts, insight into excessive anxiety, cognitive coping strategies
What is obsessive thoughts?90% of ppl with OCD have obsessive thoughts, they vary but they are always unpleasent. It can even be impluses to hurt someone
What is cognitive coping strategies?To respond to obsession they adopt cogitive coping strategies, like religion to have get over obsessie guilt. Can manage anxiety but will make them appear abnormal and can distract from everyday tasks.
What is insight to excessive anxiety?Aware of their irrational obsessions and complusions, they know its not rational, they tend to be hypervigilant, maintain constant alertness and keep attention focused on potential hazards. They might have thoughts of catastrophic consequences if their anxieties were to come true.