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level: Level 32

Questions and Answers List

20220422 - 20220502

level questions: Level 32

theme park主題公園zyu2 tai4 gung1 jyun2
amusement rides機動遊戲gei1 dung6 jau4 hei3
to gamble賭錢dou2 cin2
Christian基督徒gei1 duk1 tou4
I /don’t /want /lose / money我 唔 想 輸錢ngo5 m4 soeng2 syu1 cin2
win / money贏錢jeng4 cin2
bad at something; of poor quality渣zaa2
exam / the last考 第尾haau2 dai6 mei1
seat座位zo6 wai2
direction方向fong1 hoeng3
big / screen(CL:塊 faai3)大 螢幕daai6 jing4 mok6
space ship太空船 taai3 hung1 syun4
swimsuit泳衣wing6 ji1
the next day之後嗰日zi1 hau6 go2 jat6
snorkelling浮潛fau4 cim4
beach / volleyball沙灘排球saa1 taan1 paai4 kau4
boat; ferry船syun4
Star Ferry天星小輪 tin1 sing1 siu2 leon4
lively (environment)熱鬧 jit6 naau6
to announce宣佈syun1 bou3
soon就快zau6 faai3
store舖頭pou3 tau2
me too; I think so too我都覺得係 ngo5 dou1 gok3 dak1 hai6
resort渡假村dou6 gaa3 cyun1
coconut rice椰漿飯je4 zoeng1 faan6
grill / fish燒魚siu1 jyu2
to worship a god拜神baai3 san4
to appear出現ceot1 jin6
check-outcek1 au1
so involuntarily poops and involuntarily pees所以瀨屎同埋瀨尿 so2 ji5 laai6 si2 tung4 maai4 laai6 niu6
ex-class mate舊同學 gau6 tung4 hok6
old friend老友lou5 jau5
stubborn硬頸ngaang6 geng2
(V)to force; (Adj.) crowded; squeezing逼bik1