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level: day 2

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level questions: day 2

Monotremesmammals that lay egg but still nurse young
Protist KingdomThe odd balls that can’t be classified into any other kingdom because they share some similarities with fungi, plants and animals
Amoeba PROTISTPseudopodia locomotion (fake cytoplasm feet)
Euglena PROTISTFlagellum locomotion (tail)
Paramecium PROTISTCilia locomotion (fluid hairs)
Fungi KingdomUnicellular or Multicellular Eukaryotes with protective Cell Wall Decomposers Sexual or Asexual reproduction Some are good (help plants absorb nutrients, nutritious, medicinal) Some are bad (cause illness and famine)
Types of FungiYeast (only unicellular fungus) -Penicillium -Helped Alexander Fleming produce the first antibiotic Penicillin which treats a very wide range of bacterial infections -Mushrooms -Mold
Plant KingdomMulticellular Eukaryotes Rectangular-shaped plant cells have a Cell Wall and a huge Vacuole to store water and nutrients in case of drought or no sunlight for photosynthesis since they can’t move to find it Autotrophs & Some Heterotrophs Sexual or Asexual reproduction Terrestrial land plants have flowers, seeds and pollen to reproduce sexually
Stomata arepores on the underside of leaves that only open during daylight to take in CO2 for photosynthesis and release O2 and will remain closed otherwise in order to avoid water loss
Non-Vascular PlantsSimple, short plants that lack stems with vascular tissues, true roots and leaves
Vascular PlantsTissues in Stem that transports water and nutrients Some are seedless (Ex: Ferns)
Some vascular plants have seeds such asGymnosperms Angiosperms
GymnospermsSeeds are in cones EX: Conifers
AngiospermsFlowering plants with seeds in nuts or fruit 2 Types: Monocots & Dicots
Simple with one cotyledon (seed leaf) Leaf veins run parallel Fibrous roots Petals in multiples of 3 if presentMonocots
2 cotyledons (seed leaves) Leaf veins branch out Taproots Petals in multiples of 4 or 5Dicots
Flower Parts Stamenmale reproductive parts that carry pollen sperm
Flower parts Ovaryfemale reproductive part
Animal KingdomMulticellular Eukaryotes in Domain Eukarya Heterotrophs or Decomposers Asexual or Sexual reproduction Circular-shaped cells that DO NOT have cell wall and have much smaller Vacuoles compared to Plant cells
Hermaphroditesanimals that have both male and female reproductive organs
Examples of HermaphroditesBanana slugs self-fertilize Earthworms still reproduce sexually because only one of the reproductive organs is viable at a time Clownfish are born male but turn female when the hierarchal female in their school dies because there can be only one female in their school
MimicryMales pretend to be females so they don’t have to compete with other males Body confusion
Animal Groups SpongesTrue
Stinging Marine Animalsanemones, corals, jellyfish, etc.
Worms (ANIMALS)earthworms, roundworms, flatworms, etc.
Molluscs (ANIMALS)clams, snails, octopus, squid, etc.; many have shells
Arthropods (ANIMALS)segmented bodies with joints and exoskeleton made of chitin like arachnids, crustaceans, etc.
Prickly Marine Animals (ANIMALS)starfish, sea urchins, etc.
Vertebrates -fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals with a vertebrae backbone
Fish Vcold-blooded cartilaginous fish like sharks and rays or boney fish like most other fishes
Amphibians Vcold-blooded ectotherms with wet porous skin
Reptiles Vcold-blooded ectotherms with dry, protective skin
Birds Vwarm-blooded endotherms with feathered wings
Mammals - Vwarm-blooded endotherms with mammary glands to nurse young
Marsupials Ex: koalas, kangaroos opossums, etc.born undeveloped and finish development in pouches
Monotremesmammals that lay egg but still nurse young