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level: Articles in the stationers

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Articles in the stationers

Note-paperPapier à lettres
exercise-bookUn cahier
a notebookUn carnet
a pencilUn crayon
lead pencilde la mine de plomb
a penholderun porte-plume
a featherUne plume
a penUn stylo
InkDe l'encre
An inkwellUn encrier
an eraserUne gomme
A penknifeUn canif
cardUne carte
A letter scaleUn pèse-lettres
pictorial postcardUne carte postale illustrée
visiting cardune carte de visite
a ruleUne règle
A labelUne étiquette
Sealing waxDe la cire à cacheter
A calendarUn calendrier