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level: Constitutional Reform 2010-Since

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level questions: Constitutional Reform 2010-Since

What was the Objectives of Constitutional Reform since 2010?-Decentralise Power from London and Central Government -Increase Political Stability via Fixed Election Dates [LD] -Increase MP's Accountability to Voters [LD] -Address the 'West-Lothian' Question -Guarantee that Britain leaves EU [After 2016 Ref]
What was the Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011?-This was to make Dates of Election Time out of Control of PM -Elections to happen every 5 Years -Early Election can be Called if 2/3 of HoC of if Government loses a Vote of No Confidence - This has to be a Separate Motion in HoC -It has now been Repealed at March 2022
What were the Pros of the FTA?-Act reduced the PM Powers as they can't call a Snap Election to Capitalise on a Favourable Moment. Thatcher did this after Falkland Wars Popularity -Governments can't tie a Vote on a Ordinary Legislation to a Vote of No Confidence [Major with Maastricht Treaty] making MPs vote more with their Conscience on Important Issues -Enact more Political Stability which was Needed during the Coalition where Lib Dems or Conservatives could've Withdrawn
What were the Cons of the FTA?-Unpopular Governments may be allowed a 5 Year Term so it will not Weaken Government. Parliament Sovereignty also had led to the Repealing of such Act -Governments can Manipulate Outcomes to suit them. They may alter Polices that make Voters have a Positive Impact before Election Time, which is Easier to do so when the Election is around the Corner -Law hasn't prevented Snap Elections. May broke the Spirt of the Law by asking Parliament to Vote for an Election. 2019 saw a Snap Winter Election. Governing Parties to Capitalise on the Polls
What happened to Scotland in the Scotland Act 2016?-More Devolved Powers for the Scottish Government n Parliament -Focused on Welfare Provision and Payment Levels for some Benefits - Social Security -Granted the Scots to set rates of Income Tax, and how the Revenue is Spent -Scottish Government got Half of the Proceeds of VAT in Scotland -The Act basically accepted that Removal of Scottish Devolution only through a Future Referendum
What happened to Wales in the Wales Act 2014?-Welsh Government had Powers to raise new Forms of Tax and Control the Revenue from them -2015 allowed the Welsh Assembly over Income Tax Revenue -2017 allowed the Welsh Assembly to decide over Electoral System [Not General Elections] -Welsh Assembly --> Parliament. Limited Law Functions -Wales got Power over Public Services
What happened with Mayors and Regions in terms of Devolution from 2017 onwards?-6 Cites and Regions have Elected Mayors with some Independent Power, like Over planning, Transport, Housing and Policing -Most Prominent Region is the Greater Manchester Combined Authority [GMCA]
What were the Positive Impacts of Further Devolution during the Coalition Government onwards-Increasing the Power in Scotland would Limit the need for Scottish Independence as Scotland has most Powerful Sub-National Government in Europe -Wales has seen Devolution as Evolutionary, due to lack of support. Now, Wales has been given more Powers with More Support coming in -Newly Elected Mayors in England meant Better Representation for Regions and Cities. Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, got Attention for lack of Consolation with Regional Authorities during Covid 19
What were the Negative Impacts of Further Devolution during the Coalition Government onwards?-Scottish Nationalists believe the Additional Powers after the Scots Referendum don't go Far Enough. Scotland controls their % Rates? -Powers of Devolved Bodies still under Approval by Westminster. Wales wanted Policing and Justice, UK Government said No -The Mayors have Limited Powers - October 2020 saw Greater Manchester in a Higher Tier of Lockdown than what the Mayor called for. Large Parts of England is still very Centralised - Inequality in Devolution across Britain?
What was the Recall of MPs Act of 2015?-This gave Constituents the power to get there MP to face a By-Election if found Guilty of Serious Misconduct [Criminal Offense or False Expense Claims, or Suspended from House of Commons] -Goes forward [By Election] if 10% of Registered Constituents sign a 'Recall Petition'
What are the Positive Aspects of the Recall of MPs Act?-Act aimed to stop Bad Actions, and make it Difficult for MPs to speak their Mind, respecting the Electorate Views. Act is being used as it was Intended - Labour MP: Fiona Onasanya lost her Seat after the Speaker agreed to have a Recall Petition in March 2019 -An Example of Direct Democracy as the Citizens are the ones to Trigger a By Election
What are the Negative Aspects of the Recall of MPs Act?-Recall Attempt doesn't equal Corruption or Wrongdoing will be Punished. Ian Paisley Jr - after Suspension from Parliament due to failing the Hospitability from Sri Lankan Government, didn't have to face a By Election as the Recall Petition didn't gather enough Signatures -'Recalled MP' can still Stand in the Election, like how Chris Davies did in Brecon and Radnorshire By Election in 2019 August after Falsifying Expense Claims
What is the English Votes for English Laws [EVEL] 2015?-New Parliamentary Procedure where MPs in Welsh, Scottish and NI Constituencies can't vote on Issues affecting only England -This was trying to Solve the West Lothian Question - the Situation where the UK Parliament is full of English Issues and not Scottish Issues -First seen in January 2016 when Scottish MPs barred from Voting on the Housing Bill -Now been Scrapped in 2021 July
What are the Positive Aspects of EVEL?-Proponents say it gets the Right Balance of Representation in Westminster for all UK Citizens, while Tackling the West Lothian Question
What are the Negative Aspects of EVEL?-All MPs can Vote on the Final Reading of the Bill, so Non-English MPs can still Prevent a Bill from Passing. This is what SNP did with the Loosening of Sunday Trading Laws in England -EVEL gave the Conservatives an Unfair Advantage as it got the Majority of English Seats from 2015 GE onwards. EVEL be used to Increase Dominance of Parliament
What was the EU Act 2020?-This had Confirmed the British Exit from the 1st of February -Allowed a Transition Period where Britain would be in EU Programmes until the end of 2021 -Special Provisions for Northern Ireland avoiding the Hard Border with Republic of Ireland
What were the Positive Aspects of the EU Act 2020?-Law respected the Call from the Electorate in the 2016 Ref. Given more Legitimacy when the Conservatives in the 2019 GE where the Party to 'get Brexit Done' -Issue for Northern Ireland and the Disruption to Trade with Republic of Ireland been Sorted [Ish, the Protocol has been Messy] -Transition Period allowed Britain and the EU to make good Prepayments for Britain's Departure from EU Single Market and other Programmes like Police Cooperation.
-What were the Negative Aspects of the EU Act 2020?-Passing of Act been a Victory for Leave, but didn't Unite the Nation. Brexit had Bitterly Divided the Nation and the Act had little Areas of Compromise that would Satisfy British Division -Looks to be a Different Set of Trading Arrangements for Northern Ireland [EU Market and British Market] making Confusion. No NI MPs voted for the Law -Act put off most of the Difficult Shots with Britain's Relationship with the EU - The Trading Relationship...