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level: 05thjuly

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 05thjuly

Çiçekler yok.There aren't flowers.
Sınıf arkadaşlarım yok.There aren't my classmates.
İşçiler yok.There aren't workers.
Fabrikalar yok.There aren't factories.
Kardan adamlar yok.There aren't snowmen.
Hava bulutlu.The weather is cloudy.
Bulutlar yok.There aren't clouds.
Yerde halı yok.There isn't a carpet on the ground.
Üç yastık var.There are three pillows.
Odamda iki tane kitaplık var.There are two bookcases in my room.
İki perde var.There are two curtans.
Hayır, tabletim yok.No, I don't have a tablet.
Evimde 4 oda ve mutfak var.There are 4 rooms and a kitchen in my house.
Babamın arabası var.My father has a car.
Annemin bir işi var.My mom has a job.
Bizim büyük bir evimiz var.We have a big house.
Kız kardeşimin tavşanı yok.My sister doesn't have a rabbit.
Köpeğimin mavi gözleri yok.My dog doesn't have blue eyes.
Beş kedileri var.The have five cats.
Havuzumuz yok.We don't have a pool.
Bizim bir atımız yok.We don't have a horse.
Bir kardeşi var.She has a sibling.
Onun bir motosikleti var.He has a motorcycle.
Bir bardak su var.There is a glass of water.