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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

to be bornnacer
to give birthdar a luz
to break up withromper con
to split/separatesepararse
to get engagedcomprometerse
to be divorced fromdivorciarse
to get married tocasarse con
to fall in love withenamorarse de
to go out withsalir con
to diemorir
to wantquerer
to get along to not get alongllevarse bien/mal
to be married toestar casado/a con
to be seperate/edestar separado/a
be divorcedestar divorciado
to be singleestar soltero/a
to be deadestar muerto
to be in loveestar enamorado/a
to be hurt/ injuredestar herido/a
to be hurtestar dolido/a
to be a widowSer viuda
to be engaged withestar comprometido/a con
seems to meparecer