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level: Periodic Trends

Questions and Answers List

charges, Zeff, electronegativity, ionization energy, etc...

level questions: Periodic Trends

In general, metals form ________cations (+ charge)
In general, nonmetals form ________anions (- charge)
General trend of Groups 1-3Metals: +1, +2, +3
General trend of Groups 16-17Nonmetals: -2, -1
charge of silver (Ag)+1
charge of zinc (Zn)+2
charge of cadmium (Cd)+2
charge of scandium (Sc)+3
charge of aluminum (Al)+3
Major trend of ionic sizeperiod 1-7 = increases
Minor trend of ionic sizecations = decreases anions = increases
Major trend of ionization energyperiod 1-7 = 1st IE decreases
Minor trend of ionization energygroup 1-18 = 1st IE increases
What is the exception to the minor trend of ionization energy?going group 15-16
2nd ionization energy is _________, but depends on __________________always greater than the first; whether you're removing valence or core electrons
Major trend of atomic sizeperiod 1-7 = increases
Minor trend of atomic sizegroup 1-18 = decreases
Major trend of effective nuclear chargeperiod 1-7 = decreases
Minor trend of effective nuclear chargegroup 1-18 increases
Major trend of electron affinitygroup 1-17 = decreases
Isoelectricwhen two atoms/ions have the same number of electrons
Coloumb's Lawthe attractive force between atoms is proportional to the distance between atoms and the magnitude of charges