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level: Formal Charge

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Formal Charge

formal chargethe hypothetical charge if all bonding e- were shared 100% equally
equation for formal chargeformal charge = # of VE - # of non-bonding e- - 1/2(# of bonding e-)
formal charge must be calculated...for each individual atom in the structure
guideline 1 of formal charge and Lewis dot structuresany structure where 1+ atom has less than a full octet is low quality
guideline 2 of formal charge and Lewis dot structuresstructures with a formal charge of 0 across the board are better
guideline 3 of formal charge and Lewis dot structuresstructures with a formal charge of smaller magnitude are better
guideline 4 for formal charge and Lewis dot structuresmore negative formal charge should be on the more electronegative atom