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level: Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 2

peel an orange오렌지껍질을 벗기다
to sign (ㅁ)서명하다
handwritten signature자필서명
give up the match시합을 포기하다
Continuously ㅇ연속으로
for something to pass by지나다
to finish, to complete (3 syllables)마치다
The due date has passed기한이 지나다
to fail실패하다
Working hours근무시간
Night Shift야간근무
Day Shift주간근무
to transfer on a bus,subway환승하다
once, to begin with, first, for now일단
stop laughing웃음을 멈추다
to be significant, precious, cherished소중하다
once, at one time한때
precious object소중한 물건
Precious time소중한 시간
precious moment소중한 순간
precious friend소중한 친구
pay seperately따로따로 내다
go separately따로따로 가다
adult (ㅇ)어른
to be mature어른스럽다
snow white백설공주
influence, leverage영향력
some sort of writing
one's handwriting글씨
popular literature대중문학
oriental literature동양문학
western literature서양문학
classical literature고전문학
contemporary literature현대문학
to travel abroad해외여행을 하다
district, local area지방
local government지방정부
Local police지방경찰
Local taxes지방세
All over the province지방 전천에
neighbor ㅅ이웃사람
preserving the environment환경을 보존하다
to protect the environment ㅈ환경을 지키다
to protect the environment ㅂ환경을 보호하다
destroy the environment환경을 파괴하다
environmental issues환경 문제
to be despicable, desolate삭막하다
to grow up자라다
local anesthesia부분 마취
one part of일부분
put up an advertisement광고를 붙이다
outdoor basketball court야외농구장
global warming지구 온난화
earth science지구과학
to be serious, grave심각하다
to fart방귀를 끼다
bow one's head고개를 숙이다
nod the head고개를 끄덕이다
shake one's head ㅈ고개를 젓다
eye, look at someone바라보다
right direction우측 방향
left direction좌측 방향
different direction다른 방향
Reverse direction반대방향
change direction방향을 바꾸다
I didn't take a good direction방향을 잘 못 잡았다
break it up헤어지다
overseas work해외근무
Overseas broadcasting해외방송
Overseas market해외시장
receive a scholarship장학금을 받다
Overseas universities해외대학교
itself, its own자체
to be the only one유일하다
Times are changing시대가 변하다
modern times현대
receive, accept ㅂ받아들이다
fall caution추락주의
Electrical Caution전기주의
Beware of pedestrians보행자주의
to research연구하다
research lab연구소
Research data연구자료
Research paper연구논문
to analyse분석하다
concentration ability집중력
localized rain집중호우
intensive care unit집중치료실
to talk to someone ㄴ말을 나누다
to use ㅇ이용하다
It is worth using이용 가치가 있다
registration fee등록금
Registration Card등록카드
Obtain a foreign Registration Card외국인등록증을 갖다
Register for a class수업을 등록하다
Immigration office출입국사무소
raise up, set up ㅇ일으키다
set a record기록을 세우다
to build a company ㅎ회사를 세우다
to raise up a person사람을 세우다
to lift a thing것을 세우다
to park the car차를 세우다
It's accurate정확하다
make a plan계획을 세우다
move one's heart마음을 움직이다
Without any movement아무 움직임 없이
Clean up after you are done뒷정리
Shall I clean it up?정리해드릴까요?
cancel a reservation예약을 취소하다
outdoor gathering야외모임
watch over지켜보다
Keep promises약속을 지키다
to miss a traffic light신호를 놓치다
Do you have any pain? ㅂ불편한 데가 있나요?
There is enough time시간이 충분하다
There is enough money돈이 충분하다
to be honest, frank솔직하다
honestly, frankly솔직히
if i'm being honest솔직히 말하면
honest answer솔직한 답변
honest feelings솔직한 심정
I don't know exactly정확히 모르겠는데
to be close, familiar with친하다
close friend친한 친구
Best Friends제일 친한 친구
Get acquainted친해지다
First aid응급처치
It's urgent ㄱ긴급하다
The situation is urgent상황이 급하다
be enchanted매혹되다
Throughout the class수업 시간 내내
slightly/ a little bit약간
Like it used to be예전처럼
Savory flavor고소한 맛
Body fight몸싸움
court battle법정싸움
vicious fight진흙탕싸움
to put up a fight싸움을 붙이다
Win the fight싸움에서 이기다
Lose the fight싸움에서 지다
couple ㅋ커플
overflowing with joy기쁨이 넘치다
Concealing joy기쁨을 감추다
helpful도움이 되다
leaflet ㅈ전단지
Back and forth이리저리
to step back, back off물러시다
to be confronted with death죽음에 직면하다
to make an impression느낌을 주다
I feel good느낌이 좋다
Be confident당당하다
I have a feeling느낌이 들다
administrative office행정실
to stamp on paper도장을 종이에 찍다
administration (2 syllables)행정
administration (3 syllables)행정부
I have a responsibility책임이 있다
annual income연봉
pay, redeem지불하다
No-smoking area금연 구역
No parking zones주차금지구역
Child protection area어린이보호구역
to meet death죽음을 맞다
to prepare for death죽음을 각오하다
to designate, specify지정하다
exclamation mark느낌표
Pedestrian traffic lights보행자신호등
Maternity seat임산부좌석
front seat앞 좌석
Second language제 2언어
to learn a language언어를 습득하다
electronic dictionaries전자사전
English-Korean dictionary영한사전
language skills언어능력
speech impediment언어장애
International language국제언어
Korean language class국어 수업
mother tongue모국어
laborer ㄱ근로자
Workers' Rights노동자의 권익
cultivate one's abilities능력을 기르다
gather/collect data ㅁ자료를 모으다
gather, collect data ㅅ자료를 수집하다