level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
Question | Answer |
kindle | encender |
clingy | dependiente |
floorboards | tablas del suelo |
chummy | amigable |
conceit | vanidad |
soar | elevarse |
grasp | captar |
thud | golpe seco |
tummy | barriga |
gnawing | royendo |
hectic | ajetreado |
enticing | tentador |
fend off | defenderse de |
budget | presupuesto |
defecting | desertando |
departing | departiendo |
withdrawing | retirando |
retail | minorista |
retrace | volver sobre |
unfasten | desabrochar |
boundary | frontera |
proctored | supervisado |
bundle | conjunto |
ledge | cornisa |
cozy | acogedor |
blithe | despreocupado |
cartridges | cartuchos |
knot | nudo |
solitude | soledad |
emboldened | envalentonado |
bloat | hincharse |
shrink | psiquiatra |
thwart | impedir |
rake | rastrillo |
flabbergasted | atonito |
caveat | salvedad |
Notwithstanding | pese a |
constrain | restringir |
nuances | matices |
gauges | indicadores |
nettles | ortigas |
enhanced | mejorado |
decoy | señuelo |
drought | sequia |
amusing | entretenido |
tipped off | avisó a |
take a squirt | hechar una meada |
stashed | escondido |
jinxed | mala suerte |
hurl | vomitar |
corollary | colorario |
ubiquitous | omnipresente |
tantamount | equivale |
nail on the head | dedo en la llaga |
iffy | dudoso |
tidy | ordenado |
sacred | sagrado |
spouses | conyuges |
loose | flojo |
dandling | colgando |
earbud | auricular |
hushed | silencioso |
forlorn | desamparado |
soared | se disparó |
threads | hilos |
bullish | optimista |
ravages | estragos |
unveil | desvelar |
lull | tregua |
flicker | parpadeo |
plodded | caminó |
wafted | colaba |
dazzling | deslumbrante |
Glittering | resplandeciente |
beet | remolacha |
tangent | tangente |
flicker of hope | destello de esperanza |
lurched | se tambaleó |
cliques | pandillas |
beet red | rojo de remolacha |
industrious | laborioso |
grumpy | malhumorado |
wove | tejieron |
crossly | cruzadamente |
obnoxious | detestable |
fad | moda pasajera |
thrilled | emocionado |
grating | rejilla |
pitying | sentir lastima por |
commuter | de cercanias |
shuttered | cerrado |
throngs | multitud |
stifling | sofocante |
wondrous | maravilloso |
corkscrew | sacacorchos |
gash | tajo |
howling | aullando |
wrench | llave inglesa |
hounding | acosando |
tender kiss | beso tierno |
sicced | incitaste a |
demise | desaparicion |
gypsy | gitano |
hustle | bullicio |
shambles | ruina |
jamming | interferencia |
gauntlet | guantelete |
tuck | arropar |
aloof | al margen |
take a toll | pasar factura |