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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

hunk: come on you to step it upHickory: were coming
Dor: why its a man a man made out of tinoilcan...oilcan
dor: did you say something?oilcan...
dor: where do you want to be oiled firstmy mouth!
dor: hows thatI can talk again
dor: how did u ever get like thiswell about a year ago i was chopping that tree, minding my own business,when it suddenly started to rain in the middle of a chop, i rusted solid. And ive been that way ever since
dor: well your perfect nowperfect? bang on my chest if you think im perfect. Go ahead! Bang on it!
scare: what an echoits empty. The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart
dor: no heart?No heart. All hollow
dor: to ask the wiziard of oz for a heartwhy, thats a long and dangerous journey. And it might rain on the way.
dor: I'll keep the oilcan handywell suppose the wizard wouldnt get me one when we got there?
ww laughswhats that?
scare: whether i get a brain or notbee-hive? Bah! I'll see you reach the wizard, whether I get a heart or not. Let her try and make a beehive our of me!
scare: to oz?To oz!
dor: do you suppose we will meet any wild animals?we might.
scare: animals that eat straw?some,but mostly lions and tigres, and bears.
scare: and tigers?and bears.
dor: oh my x3scare+tin: lions and tigers and bears. x3
lion: ill fight you with my eyes closed.Go away, and let us alone!
lion: come on get up and fightyes, scarecrow, get up and teach him a lesson.
scare: whats wrong with you teaching him a lessonI hardly know him
lion: i havent slept in weekswhy dont you try counting sheep
dor: cricket, or crittter in the treesits giving me the jitters in the joints around the knees
scare: i havent got a brain but i think i ought to worryi havent got a heart but i feel a palpitation
lion: wheres the witchlook at that
doorman: who rang that belld+gang: we did
doorman: state your businessd+gang: we want to see the wizard
dor: she followed us herecant she take no for an answer?
scare: we better hurry if were going to see the wizardthere is a guard right over there---mabey he can point us toward the wizard
scare: ive as good as got my braini can fairly hear my heart beating
lion: not nobody, not nohownot even a rhinoceros