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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

(približné) to calculate sth in a way taht is not exact, not exact but close to an exact numberapproximate
(pripisovať, prisudzovať) to believe sth is the cause of sth elseascribe
send sb to a particular place, especially in order for them to work thereassign
(pripisovať, prisudzovať) believe that sth is the result of a particular situation, event, person's actionsattribute
(úder, rana) event causes you to feel very sad, disappointed/shockedblow
make sth happen (usually sth bad), event thing or person taht makes sth to happencause
(náhoda) situation in which separate things happen by chance at the same time /same waycoincidence
(kliatba) use magic powers to make bad things happen to sb, bad situation event caused by sb's deliberate use of their magic powercurse
(uvážlivý) intended, not done by chance or accidentdeliberate
(ustanoviť) calculate sth discover it by examining evidencedetermine
(osud) power taht some poeple believe controls everything taht happens in their lifesfate
(kolísavý) to change frequentlyfluctuate
(predvídať) to see or know sth that will happen in the futureforesee
sth woth very unusual features taht make it very different from other things of its typefreak
risk money sth valuable in the hope of winning more if you are lucky, if you guess sth correctlygamble
(náhodný) done in a way taht doesn't seem to be carefully planned or organisedhaphazard
sth that could be dangerous/ cause damage or accidentshazard
(nezmyselný) not deliberate, accidentalinadvertent
involved in an important way in making sth happenedinstrumental
sb/sth had a lot of bad luckjinxed
(pravdepodobné) how certain it's that sth will happenlikelihood
sth that people believe brings them lucklucky charm
move slowly without particular direction or purpose in mindmeander
(nešťastná náhoda) minor mistake or accidentmishap
become physically different from other plants, animals of the same type as result of a genetic changemutate
the chances of sth happeningodds
choose sb, sth from a group, choicepick
situation in which you don't know what to expect, but you hope taht it will be goodpot luck
chosen, happening without any particular method, pattern, purposerandom
piece of evidence taht sth is happeing or taht sth existssign
consider, discuss why sth has happenedspeculate
happening without planspontaneous
feeling of sudden frigthendstartle
group of numbers that represents facts of the situationstatistics
move away from the correct place,path / sth without homestray
(povera) some power, magic have affected your lifesuperstition
believing in the power of magic and lucksuperstitious
to happentranspire
fact taht sth is not known or hasn't been decideduncertainty
(zatriaslo sa) rock slightly from side to sidewobble
the work, business, study of farmingagriculture
(vážiť si toho) understand true nature of a situationappreciate
event causing lot of damagecatastrophy
plant grown for foodcrop
(využiť) treat sb unfairly in order to get some benefit for yourselfexploit
(hlad) lack of foodfamine
coal, oil made from decayed animals and plants decades agofossil fuels
increasing temperature on Earthglobal warming
green plants growing somewhere used for decorationgreenery
place of home for animalshabitat
(sklidit úrodu) collect cropsharvest
natural tendency to behave in particular way that you are born withinstinct
prírodná pohroma, katastrofanatural disaster
(zdroje) things such as coal, trees, oilthat exist in nature and can be used by peopleresource
(vypotrebovateľné ) there is not very much of itscarce
type of plant/animal taht have similar general featuresspecies