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level: Interpretations and Debate around Congress

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level questions: Interpretations and Debate around Congress

Which INFORMAL changes have affected Congressional Power?-Growth of Modern Presidency: FDR kickstarted a more Interventionist President, being more active in the Legislative Agenda of the USA. Growth of Executive and National Media shifted the President to be the Chief Legislator -Foreign Policy: Congressional Power on International Affairs decreased significantly as the Cold War and War on Terror plowed through. The President has lots of Military Power. The War Powers Act of 1973 has also been Ignored by Presidents -Power of Speaker: Power for the House Speaker has been Centralised from a Nationalisation of Mid-mid-term elections, and some changes to the Congressional process. During a Divided Government, the Speaker can rival the President and lead Congress to be more Oversight effective. -Partisanship: Greater Extremes exist in how Congress would react to the President. Being more willing to challenge the Executive, Congress can challenge the Executive
Why can Congress be seen as Highly Representative?-Separation of Powers & Separate Mandates -2 Separate Elected Chambers -Frequent Elections as well as Short House of Representatives Terms -Primary Elections giving the Constituents Power
Why can Congress be seen as not very Representative-FPTP, Gerrymandering and Incumbency -Lack of Social Representation among Elected Representatives -Involvement of Funded PGs -Hyper-Partisanship
What is Party Unity?-Party Unity refers to a score being given to the Party based on how the members of the same party vote the Same Way on each Vote -In 2021, 93% of Republicans and 98% of Democrats were United in the House. In the Senate: 84% for Republicans and 97% for Democrats -Overall, the Majority (Democrats) won 94% of the time in the House, and 92% in the Senate
What effects does Partisanship do to Congress's Functions?-Legislative Gridlock: A United Party Group comes at the Expense of not Cooperating with the other Political Party. This can hamper Legislation -Oversight: More Partisanship means the Presidential Power, during a Divided Government, is significantly Challenged more. In Unified Government, it is more Relaxed and often Fails to Provide Oversight. In 2017: the Senate was seen, and accused, of not providing Full Scrutiny of several Trump Cabinet Nominations, given how Fast the Ratification took place -Representation: Politicians may sacrifice the wish of their Constituents to follow the Party Line. This becomes more extreme during times of Hyper-partisanship
What does the Separation of Powers do for Congress?-Separate Elections for the President and Congress. This gives them a Separate Mandate to Govern -Makes it possible for a Divided Government to exist -Presidential Patronage (Giving out rewards or Government Positions) is Limited over Congress
What Significant Checks and Balances does Congress posses in terms of the President?-Rejecting Legislative Proposals from the President, including the Budget -Impeaching and Removing a President -Ratifying Treaties and Presidential Appointments
The Constitutional Power: To Legislate. How can it be seen that Congress is Highly Effective, but not, at this?-Highly Effective due to Congress being a major playing on Legislation by Initiating it, Amending, and Blocking. -Limited due to the President setting the Legislative Agenda, which can limits Congress's Impact
The Constitutional Power: To Declare War. How can it be seen that Congress is Highly Effective, but not, at this?-Highly Effective as Congress's Constitutional Power is focused here, as well as able to limit Presidential Requests for Military Actions and Funding -Limited due to Congress not being very Active here. The President usually dominates the Military Matters. Presidents can also Circumvent Congress.
The Constitutional Power: To Amend the Constitution. How can it be seen that Congress is Highly Effective, but not, at this?-Highly Effective as Amendments are very Impactful on the US Landscape and it all begins in Congress -Limited as Amendments are very Infrequent and the last one was in 1992 which took Hundreds of Years to Complete
The Constitutional Power: To Impeach and Remove. How can it be seen that Congress is Highly Effective, but not, at this?-Highly Effective as Congress does use this Power. Very Important as it holds Public Officials to Account. Ensures no abuse of power occurs -Limited as it is so Hard to Achieve and so does not act as a Huge Restriction for the President. Trump even managed to use the Impeachments as Popularity Boosts!
The Constitutional Power: To Ratify Treaties. How can it be seen that the Senate is Highly Effective, but not, at this?-Highly Effective as Treaties can impact the US in Military and Economic means. The Senate has rejected treaties in the Past. -Limited as the President can use Executive Agreements to essentially Bypass the Senate. Foreign Policy is not usually conducted via Treaties
The Constitutional Power: To Ratify Appointments. How can it be seen that the Senate is Highly Effective, but not, at this?-Highly Effective as the Senate plays a huge role in Presidential Appointments and therefore the Policy Direction of the United States -Limited as Presidents usually Pass most of their Appointments