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level: Congress of the US vs Parliament of the UK

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level questions: Congress of the US vs Parliament of the UK

How can it be seen that Parliament and Congress are the same?-Both can Initiate and Amend Legislation -Determine whether the Law is Passed, or not -Vote Against the Executive Proposals -Scrutinises the Executive
How can it be seen that Congress is more Powerful than Parliament?-Congress is much more Independent from the Executive than Parliament is. This is because of the Separation of Powers in the USA. Parliament may not challenge the Government as such -Congress has 2 Powerful Chambers, and Parliament has one. The Lords are much more limited and Less Legit -USCON gives greater Powers to Congress to check the Executive. Ratifying Appointments and Treaties are for the Senate. In the UK, the PM
How can it be seen that Parliament is more Powerful than Congress?-Parliamentary Sovereignty gives Parliaments to make any Law it want to. Constitutional Sovereignty in the USA allows the Supreme Court to overturn Acts of Congress if deemed Unconstitutional -Imperial Presidency Theory says the C+B system in the US is Ineffective and Outdated. Parliament is at least as Powerful as Congress, if not Kore -Parliament is much better at Passing Legislation than Congress, because of how Weak the Lords are. More Party Discipline and Fused Powers also help
What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the House of CommonsS: Strong Party Disciple via Patronage and Whips S: Governments have a Majority usually allowing for a more Streamlined Legislative Process S: Third Parties are becoming more Relevant recently - Reform UK? W: Single Party Majorities + Fused Powers makes Ovesight on the Executive Weak. W: Safe Seats can make the House unrepresentative. Also FPTP W: The House does not reflect British Society
What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the House of RepresentativesS: Common Elections give the House a Strong Mandate & Link with Constituents. S: Party Unity Scores are High usually, as well as Representatives are not locked to the Party Line S: Being able to control Money, as they represent the Tax Payers, is Respectful W: Incumbency Rates being so High undermines the Representative Role W: Money's role in Elections promotes an Elitist Form of Democracy W: Effectiveness of Scrutiny depends on Party Control of the House and President Party
What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the House of Lords?S: The Lord's Unelected Nature gives them a more Long Term focus on Legislation rather than Short Term Public Opinion S: Since 1999, the Lords have been more willing to Scrutinise the Government S: 1999 Reforms made the House more Legitimate with more Experts and less Peers W: The unelected Nature of the Lords undermines their legitimacy W: Salisbury Convention and Parliaments Acts of 1911and 1949 have limited the Lord Powers W: Inclusion of the Lord's Spiritual (Bishops of CoE) and Hereditary Peers undermines the Representative Function that the Lords have
What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Senate?S: Staggered, but Frequent Elections, allow for a Renewal of Senators and maintain Political Continuity. S: Equal Representation of States and Power of Individual Members ensures Small States are not Ignored S: The Senate has shown off its Exclusive Powers of Oversight like Confirming and Rejecting Presidential Appointments W: Unanimous Consent gives Individuals a lot of Power to OVerride the Majority. W: The Great Compromise makes Smaller States very Over-Represented. W: Many of the Senate's Exclusive Powers could be Circumvented by the President, such as Executive Agreements
What setbacks does the Lord face when comparing to the Senate?-The Lords are Unable to Reject Government Bills Entirely, but the Senate can prevent Legislation from passing -The Lords is not given the same amount of Executive Scrutiny as the Senate, like Ratification of Treaties and Appointments.
How can the Structural Approach help in understanding the differences between Congress and Parliament?-The structural approach is useful because the Constitution sets its Powers and Limits -Separation of Powers makes Congress more Influential and Powerful than Parliament. The Fusion of Powers makes the UK more Executive Dominated.
How can the Cultural Approach help in understanding the role of Groups within Parliament and Congress?-Parties have a Greater Impact in Britain than in America. -Individuals work together in the UK, due to Parties being less Ideologically Diverse, whereas in America it is much Broader -This may affect Congress's Legislative power as it can find it less Able to Pass Laws, because of a lack of Party Unity. -However, there is case to say at times there are Strong Party Cultures in both Legislature because of Hyper-Partisanship
How can the Rational Approach help in understanding the Self-Interested Motivations of politicians?-In Parliament and Congress, Politicians act in a Self-Interested way to Advance their Political Careers or secure Re-Election -Politicians may explore the Structures of the Executive and Party Leaders, or the Cultural Expectation of Party Membership, to Respond to Public Opinion and be Re-Elected