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level: 31st Jan.

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 31st Jan.

Pencere kırıldı.Window was broken.
Film izlendi.The movie was watched.
Oda temizlendi.The room was cleaned.
Ali öldürüldü.Ali was killed.
Çiçek sulandı.The flower was watered.
Çiçekler sulandı.Flowers were watered.
Ödev yapıldı.The homework was done.
Pencereler kırıldı.Windows were cleaned.
Anahtar bulundu.The key was found.
Ders çalışıldı.The lesson was studied.
Kahvaltı hazırlandı.The breakfast was prepared.
Yemek pişirildi.The food was cooked.
Araba tamir edildi.The car was repaired.
Bilgisayar onarıldı.The computer was fixed.
Oyun oynandı.The game was played.
Araba yıkandı.The car was washed.
Kitap okundu.The book was read.
Kitap benim tarafımdan okundu.The book was read by me.
Ev Melis tarafından temizlendi.The home was cleaned by Melis.
Süt Ali tarafında içildi.Milk was drunk by Ali.
Oyun onlar tarafından oynandı.The game was played by them
Ev boyandı.The house was painted.
Ev kiralandı.The house was rented.
Hırsız yakalandı.The thief was arrested.
Odalar boyandı.The rooms were painted.
Odalarımız boyandı.Our rooms were painted.
Araba satın alındı.The car was bought.
Arabalar satın alındı.The cars were bought.
Yemek yenildi.The meal was eaten