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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

presentEl regalo
admitting an errorAdmitir un error
to warnavisar
besarto kiss
to make a mistakeCometer un error
to buy him/her a giftComprarle un regalo
to communicateComunicarse
to give a hugDarle un abrazo
to stop talking to eachotherDejar de hablarse
to stand up to somebodyDejar plantado/a a alguien
to let someone knowDejarle saber
to discover/uncoverDescubrir
to apologizeDisculparse
to argue/discussDiscutir
to be wrongEstar equivocado/a
to feel resentfulEstar resentido/a
to make upHacer las paces
do it unintentionallyHacerlo sin querer
to wound/to hurtHerir (ie, i)
to tryIntentar
to insult/to offendInsultar
to raise one's voiceLevantar la voz
to mistreatMaltratar
to offendofender
to forgetolvidar
to apologizePedir perdón
to think of himselfPensar en sí mismo/a
to forgivePerdonar
to agreePonerse de acuerdo
to reactReaccionar
to reconcile oneselfReconciliarse
to be faithful/unfaithfulSer (in)fiel
take time to thinkTomar tiempo para pensar
I recommend youTe recomiendo que
I suggest youTe sugiero que
I advise you toTe aconsejo que
it would be a good/bad ideaSería una buena/mala idea…
communication/linkLa comunicación
advice/boardEl consejo
detailEl detalle
apologyLa disculpa
difference of opinionLa diferencia de opinión
reconcilliationLa reconciliación
connection/relationshipLa relación
believe me it was unintentionallyCréeme que fue sin querer.
forgive meDiscúlpame.
I didn't do it on purposeNo lo hice a propósito.
I didn't want to hurt youNo quise hacerte daño/ofenderte.
forgive me. I don't know what I was thinkingPerdóname. No sé en qué estaba pensando.
I swear I won't do it againTe juro que no lo volveré a hace