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level: Informal Sources of Presidential Powers and their Use

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level questions: Informal Sources of Presidential Powers and their Use

What is an Electoral Mandate?-Refers to the Permission being Given to the Political Leader/Party after winning an Election. This Mandate is in Force for the Term Length of the Government. -The Permission refers to allowing the Winner to Govern and Act on the People's Behalf
Why are the Presidential Elections since 1992 (Barring 1996 and 2004) interesting? What happened?-In 1992: Clinton won the Electoral College (370) but only got 43% of the Popular Vote. This was due to a Third Party Candidate - Ross Perot - getting 19% of the Vote -In 2000 and 2016: Bush and Trump won the Electoral College (271 and 304) but not the Popular Vote -In 2008: Obama won with a Landslide from Democratic Lens -In 2020: Biden achieved History by getting the Largest Popular Vote in American History. 81 Million Voters!
Why can an Electoral Mandate be an Important Informal Source for US Presidents?-Electoral Mandates allowed Obama to introduce Obamacare, a Controversial Act, but because he won a Clear Majority, and controlled both Houses, Obama passed it through Successfully. -Trump, even though Republicans dominated both Houses in 2016, couldn't be as Effective as Obama, partly due to the Popular Vote being for Clinton. Trump was not very Popular
What are Executive Orders?-Executive Orders are Directions to the Federal bureaucracy on how the President wants a Piece of Legislation to be Implemented. -It could also be used for the president trying to make a Decision / Achieve a Policy Area and bypass Congress. -A Famous Example can be Nixon using an EO to create the Environmental Protection Agency
Why are Executive Orders Limited? Give Examples why?-EO are Limited as they can be overturned by the Supreme Court or by a new Law of Congress -Obama ordered Guantanamo Bay to be Closed in 2009, yet it remains open in 2021, because of Congress's Intervention -Trump tried to use an EO to carry out his Campaign Promise for a Wall, which failed as Congress blocked Funding for such a Project -EO can also be Overturned by other Future Presidents. Biden issued 60 EOs in his first 100 Days as President, 24 of which directly Reversed Policies of Trump
How can Presidents use National Events to achieve their Aims/Powers.-Obama used National Tragedies, like Sandy Hook and the Orlando Shooting, to press for Greater Gun Control in the US. The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill also played for Obama's Green Agenda -9/11 in 2001 allowed Bush to seem more Presidential and a Sturdy Leader. Poorly Managed Events however backfired against Bush, as the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan played Against Bush -The Capital Riots in January 6th allowed Biden to press for Greater Bipartisanship Cooperation. Biden also pressed for trying to Prioritise Diplomacy rather than Military Means by ending the 20-year Afghanistan Disaster
What is the US Cabinet?-Existed since 1793, the Cabinet is Formed from the Heads of the 15 Departments + any others the Presidents wants, such as the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)
Why can the Cabinet be seen as a Useful Asset for the President?-The Cabinet can create a more Open, Clear Government. -Biden's Administration created a Diverse Cabinet with 45% Women and 55% Non-White. This gives the Voters a range of Inclusion within Government. Trump went the other way and just had Old White Males -Cabinet Members may also be a Driving Force behind a certain Policy, or take Criticism away from the President.
Why could it be said that the Cabinet is rather Limiting for the President?-No Constitutional Power granted -Not a Collective Body - The Cabinet does not make decisions and only offers Advice -Members based away from the White House, in their Departments, and not in EOP. EOP provides Advice, assistance, and Administrative Support for the president. -Members can also Publicly Criticise the President as well, damaging the president's Power and Image.
What is Professor Neustadt's Quote, and why is it Important for US Presidents Powers?'Presidential Power is the Power to Persuade' -Lack of Patronage and no Direct Control over Congress, on top of a Weak Party System makes it Hard for Presidents to get what they want, hence this quote being made. -Power of Persuasion is not a Formal Powers, but a Way in which Presidents can exert Influence. This can go beyond the Powers the Founding Fathers had thought of
How can Presidents carry out the Power to Persaude?-Clinton managed to exert this Power by being very Well-liked, despite an Opposed Congress. His Experience of being a Right Leaning State helped to work with the Republicans -Bush used the Impact of the 'War on Terror' to get Lots done as well. The Persuasion must have been Huge. The US PATRIOT Act is an Example -Obama had used VP Biden, who had at that point Decades of Experience in the Senate and Contacts to g, the Minutiae of Policy carried out -Trump tried to use the Public Appeal to Pressure Congress, such as the Opposition to China. -Biden has been active on Social Media, Travelling across the US and hosting Events, and has also been Loud on more Bipartisanship Cooperation.
Why was the Executive Office of the President Formed? (EOP)-The EOP was formed due to the Brownlow Committee Report stating: 'The President needs Help' in 1939. The Role of the Federal Government had gotten too Large for the President. -Today, they have roughly 1500-2000 people who are Directly Accountable to the President. They are a vital source of Presidential Power, as they are the president's most Trusted Advisers. They speak on behalf of the President
What is the NSC, what doe it do, and how important is it?-The National Security Council has a Range of Security Staff. From the President to the Secretaries of State and Defence to the CIA and National Security Advisors. -Their Role is mainly Dependent on the President. The NSC was used during Nixon and Bush instead of the State Department, and during Regan, the NSAs ran the Iran-Contra Affair. -The NSC can be Good and Bad for the President. The Iran-Contra Affair Impacted Regen Negatively. But for Obama, Osama Bin Laden was Captured by his NSC. This boosted Obama's Image in Foreign Policy and the military.
Give Recent Examples of what the NSC did for Trump and Biden-Under Trump, the NSC engaged with Counterterrorism both Domestically and Internationally. The NSC also dealt with North Korea (Shaping the Administrative Policy) China (Administrative Policy too!) and the Middle East (Combatting ISIS and Addressing Conflicts in Syria and Yemen) -Under Biden, the NSC oversaw the US Withdrawing of Troops that Trump had kickstarted too. The NSC also coordinated and Advised the USA to support the Ukrainians from the Russian Invasion. The NSC. The NSC also made Climate Change a Top National Security Policy as well.
What is the OMB, what does it do, and how Important is it for the President?-The Office of Management and Budget helps with the Budget that the President will Present to Congress, and Monitors what each Department is Spending. Its Director, given the Importance, is a Senate-Confirmable Appointment -OMB's Experience and Wisdom have allowed the President to present a Stronger Budget to Congress. The OMB from the Top downwards helped provide Connections, persuasion, and explanations.
What is the WHO, what does it do, and how Important is it for the President-The White House Staff is led by the President's Chief of Staff. The HWHO advises the president by Assessing the Advice the President gets from Others, and sees into Recommendations. A Broker -The Press Secretary is usually the most Recognised Face here. Trump had Sean Spicer getting Mocked by the Press because of his Antagonistic Relationship with the Media. Trump lost Power in how he and his Team have been Reported. -The WHO for Biden has been able to Handle Crises in his Presidential Term such as Ukraine and COVID-19. The WHO also has Expertise due to Serving in the Obama administration as well.