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level: Level 1 of Chapter 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 3

What is a Data Warehouse?- A data warehouse is a repository of data in a form that can be easily accessed to create reports and answer queries. - used for OLAP, data mining, reporting
Advantage of data warehouses- provide a large store of data - doesn't slow down OLTP systems - consistent version of the truth - allows ad-hoc reporting ( trend analysis, comparisons)
disadvantage of data warehouses- time consuming and expensive to implement and maintain
Characteristics of DWsSubject oriented -Data are organized by detailed subject or area of interest, such as sales, products, or customers, containing only information relevant for decision support. Integrated -Data warehouses must place data from different sources into a consistent format time variant (time series) -maintains historical data nonvolatile - previous data isn't erased
data warehousing process- collect the data ---> store data -----> access the data
what is a data mart ?- A DM is a subset of a data warehouse, typically consisting of a single subject area (e.g., marketing, operations). ex. departments
what is Extraction, transformation, and Loading (ETL)?ETL is the process of populating the data warehouse from one or multiple sources. – Copy data from its source(s) to the DW. Extraction: is the process of identifying data sources and copying the data required for analysis. – Data copied to the staging area Transformation: is the process of mapping and harmonizing the data that is, making certain the data are consistent, cleansed, and reliable—from their sources to the targets. – Convert the data to the required form Loading: is moving data from the staging area to the DW
what is a star schema?The star schema is the most commonly used and the simplest style of dimensional modeling
STAR SCHEMA VS SNOWFLAKE-a snowflake schema is an extension of a star schema -Snow flake is more in-depth