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level: Level 1 of Chapter 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chapter 4

what are Data lakes?Created to store “Big Data” – large volume of data that has high velocity, high volume and high variety • Stores a larger quantity of data than DW • Pros of data lakes: Easily store a lot of data • Cons: The business can become overwhelmed with the data if not properly organized
What are the 3Vs' that describe big data?- volume •Gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes and zettabytes -variety • Structured – Numeric, character, • Unstructured – text, email, photos, voice, video -velocity •how fast it's being processed
the definition of data mining?The process of analyzing large amounts of data to discover patterns, relationships, and trends to gain insights.
examples of data mining ?• Customer Relationship Management – Identify customer preferences and buying patterns – Most profitable customers • Fraud Detection – Identify unauthorized use of credit cards • Advertising – Stream targeted ads to online users based on their browsing history and social media activity • Retailing – Predict accurate sales volumes at different locations
how does data mining work?data mining: using data builds models that discover patterns 1. associations: finds correlations in groups 2. predictions 3. clusters ( finds natural grouping of things) 4. sequential relations, finds time order events ( has checking account, will most likely open a savings account)
what are some Data mining techniques ?Description Models - Describe trends, patterns, and relationships without making predictions. – Exploratory in nature – Clustering – Association Rule Mining – Outlier Detection Prediction Models - Predict the future – Regression Analysis – Time Series
what is the Data mining process : CRISP- DMCross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP- DM)