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level: The Supreme Court and Public Policy

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level questions: The Supreme Court and Public Policy

Why is Rulings made by the Supreme Court Sovereign?-The Court is Ruling in Accordance with the USCON, which is where All Sovereignty lies. -The Rulings are based on this Document, which means thus, any Rulings can change the Landscape of America
How has the Supreme Court affected the Public Policy: Free Speech-Snyder v Phelps (2011) had Affirmed the Extent of Free Speech, which is Protected by the 1st Amendment (Offensive or Outrageous Speeches) -Citizens United vs FEC (2010) had allowed Firms and Unions to have same Free Speech Rights, allowing them to spend Unlimited amounts on Political Campaigns -Mahoney Area School District vs B.L (2021) had allowed Students not be Punished for Off-Campus Speech that didn't disrupt the School Environment
How has the Supreme Court affected the Public Policy: Healthcare?-California vs Texas (2021) led to Obamacare being Upheld once again. -National Federation of Independent Business vs Sebelius (2012) upheld the Affordable Care Act -Dobbs vs Jackson Women Health Organization (2022) had Overturned Roe vs Wade
How has the Supreme Court affected the Public Policy: Election Finance?-Citizens United vs FEC (2010) led to Firms spending Unlimited Amounts on Political Campaigns.
How has the Supreme Court affected the Public Policy: Gun Control-Caetano vs Massachusetts (2016) led to the Expansion of the Second Amendment - Instruments that contained Bearable Arms under the Second Amendment -New York State Rifle & Pistol Association vs Bruen (2021) had ensured People of New York to carry out the Second Amendment to Bear Arms in Public
What does Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint mean?-Judicial Activism refers to Justices using their Power to Promote a Desirable Social End -Judicial Restraint refers to Justices allowing the Legislature and Executive to make Decisions, as they are Politically more Accountable
What are the Criticisms of Judicial Activism?-The Supreme Court is Unelected and so Unaccountable -Goes Against the Theory of Separation of Powers -Override Importance of Stare Decisis (Previous Rulings should Stand - Status Quote) -Limited Checks on the Supreme Court to Balance the Power -Undermines the Court's Politically Neutrality and Independece
What are the Criticisms of Judicial Restraint?-Deference by the Supreme Court can lead to Breaches of the USCON going Unchecked -Congress and the President will avoid Difficult, Controversial Topics -With no Interpretation, the USCON would become Out of Date The role of the Supreme Court is Outlined by the USCON, and it needs to Act to Uphold this -Rights Apply to ALL and Elected Branches will often take some time until they Realise that
What are Constitutional Rights?-Rights Outlined for Citizens within the USCON, Bill of Rights and Amendments
How has the First Amendment been Impacted by Supreme Court rulings?-The Free Speech Amendment -Citizens vs United (2010) Texas vs Johnson (1989) (Flag Burning) and Snyder vs Phelps (2011) have all Expanded Freedom of Speech
How has the Second Amendment been Impacted by the Supreme Court Rulings?-The Right to Bear Arms -Chicago vs MacDonald (2010) Caetano vs Massachusetts (2016) and New York Rifle and Pistol Association vs Bruen (2021) have Expanded the Second Amendment Usage
How has the Fifth and Seventh Amendment been Impacted by the Supreme Court Rulings?-Guarantee of Trial, by Jury, and Right to no Self-Incrimination -Miranda vs Arizona (1966) ensured Suspects are read their Rights.
How has the Eighth Amendment been Impacted by the Supreme Court Rulings?-No Cruel and Unusual Punishments -Bucklew vs Precythe (2019) Ruled that Inmates receiving the Death Sentence do NOT have the Right to a Painless Death
How has the Thirteenth - Fifteenth Amendments been Impacted by the Supreme Court Rulings?-Civil War Amendments -Due Process Clause has defended Abortion (Roe vs Wade) and June Medical Services vs Russo) 1976 and 2020 and also Same-Sex Marriages (Obergefell vs Hodges) 2015
What may Limit the Effectiveness of the Supreme Court's Decisions?-Even though 1 Party's Rights may be Upheld, it may be at the Expense of the other Party's Rights -The Supreme Court can not Directly Force their Rulings, and must rely on the State and Federal Governments to do so, which they usually, but not always do.
What did the US Declaration of Independence say about Men?-Stated that 'All Men are Equal' despite it taking another 100 Years for a Civil War to create the Abolishment of Slavery
What effect did the Civil War Amendments have?-Between 1865-1870, the Civil War Amendments tried to Guarantee the Rights of Newly Freed Slaves -But the Jim Crow Laws had ensured for Decades after, there was Disenfranchisement and Discrimination -The Supreme Court had allowed for Segregation to happen.
What effect did the Civil Rights Movement have?-Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Mavericks such as Martin Luther King Jnr and Malcom X radically Strived for Equality -The 1964 Civil Rights Act had outlawed Discrimination on Race, Colour, Religion, and Sex -1954 Supreme Court Case in Brown vs Topeka had Reversed the 'Separate but Equal' Ruling
How do Groups try to Fight for Equality and create Awareness and Pressure?-Filing Amicus Curiae (Legal Documents given) to Supreme Court, or Taking Cases to Court, like BAMN in 2014 over a Ban on Affirmative Action in Michigan -Protesting: The Death of George Floyd from Police Brutality spurred BLM and Further Civil Rights Movements -Social Media: Notable Growth, considering the Recent Palestinian Marches being Mobilised via Social Media