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level: Brain

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Brain

The brain weighs over ___3 lbs
Largest and most complex tissue of the nervous systemBrain
Largest part of the brainCerebrum
Division of the cerebrum responsible for creativityRight cerebral hemisphere
Division of the cerebrum responsible for logicLeft cerebral hemisphere
Left and right hemisphere is connected byCorpus callosum
Left and right hemisphere is separated byFalx cerebri
Shallow groovesSulcus
Motor areas control movements of skeletal musclesFrontal lobes
Sensory area for the sensation of temperature, touch, and painParietal Lobes
Sensory areas (auditory & olfactory)Temporal lobe
Sensory areas for visionOccipital lobe
Memory stored in the Frontal lobeShort term memory
Memory stored in portion of the temporal lobeRecent memory
Long term memory is stored in the ___Cerebral cortex
Concerned with coordination of muscular activityCerebellum
Connects the cerebellum in the midlineVermis
Connects the cerebrum to the spinal cordBrain stem
Brainstem is approximately ___ long, about the size of thumb3 inches
Contain reflex centers associated with eye & head movementMidbrain
Involved in control of body movementsSubstantia nigra
Cranial nerves located in the MidbrainCN III and CN IV
Appear as a rounded bulge in the underside of the brainstem where it separates the midbrain & medulla oblongata.Pons varolli
Cranial nerves located in the Pons varolliCN V and CN VIII
Transmits all ascending & descending impulses & contain vital & non-vital reflex centersMedulla oblongata
Cranial nerves located in the Medulla oblongataCN IX and CN XII
Located between the cerebral hemisphere & above the midbrainDiencephalon
Main sensory relay center: Provides a general awareness of certain sensation such as pain, touch, & temperature (together with parietal lobe)Thalamus
Maintains homeostasisHypothalamus
Any form of emotions or behavior is in the ___ of the HypothalamusLimbic system
Involved in olfactionMammillary body
Location of hypothalamusOptic chiasm
The pineal gland or body is where the ___ is locatedEpithalamus