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level: Interest Groups in the US

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level questions: Interest Groups in the US

What is the American Civil Liberties Union?-ACLU aims to protect Constitutional Rights, such as the First Amendment -Strict view on Freedom of Expression, like supporting the KKK to express their views -A Single Interest Group
How do the ACLU achieve their Aims?-Legal Methods: Imitating Court Cases or Lobbying the Supreme Court. ACLU provided an Amicus Curiae for the Westboro Baptist Church in Snyder vs Phelps
How Influential is the ACLU?-ACLU have Lots of Influence in Civil rights and the Courts because of high Legal Expertise and Level of Rights Protection from the USCON -ACLU have won Cases that have overturned State and Federal Law such as Dobbs vs Jackson
What is the AFL-CIO?-Biggest Trade Union in the US. Closely linked with the Democratic Party due to Ideological links -A Professional Group
How does the AFL-CIO achieve their aims?-Commonly uses Electioneering to Promote Democratic Candidates in terms of Publicity, Funding and contacting Potential Voters via its Members -Uses Lobbying and meets with Senior Figures of the Democratic Party like Biden to talk Policies like the Living Wage
How Influential is the AFL-CIO?-Group has a Profound Influence of its 11 Million Members. In 2012, there were 450K Voters, helping Obama win -Less Influential during Republican Presidential Terms and Congress. Although it did like the TPP
What is the League of Conservation Voters?-The LCV is a Pro-Environment Group that wants Climate Change, Protecting Parks and Opposing the Keystone Pipeline -A Policy Group
How does the LCV achieve its Aims?-LCV targets Electoral Outcomes -Uses a Trademark Dirty Dozen to target the most Environmentally Damaging Politicians and Supports their Opponets
How Influential is the LCV?-LCV in 2020 had 6 of their 12 Dirty Dozen being Defeated in 2020, 4 in 2016 and 11 in 2012
How can Interest Groups be seen as Significant in the US Political System?-Access Points: Separation of Power and Federalism make many Power Centres that Groups can Influence. Failing with one Institution doesn't mean Overall Failure - Different Parties control different places. -Weak Parties: Limited Power of Party Leaders, and limits to Party Unity, means Individual Politicians may be Persuaded instead of following the Party Line -Number & Frequency of Elections: The range of Elected Offices and Frequency of Congressional Elections gives Opportunities for Interest Groups to gain Influence -Rights Protections: SCOTUS alongside Constitutional Rights has protected Basic Group Methods like Freedom of Expression. Some Interest Group's aim are Enshrined in the Constitution
Why may Interest Groups, who have greater Resources, be more Powerful?-Members give Funding via Donations and Fees. Members can be gathered to Contact Politicians on key issues, to show Care for an Issue -Finance used to Donate to election campaigns in the hope of Election Outcomes coming favorably. Also used to run Publicity Campaigns -Expertise used to be more Persuasive in Lobbying. Politicians may require the Policy Expertise of Specialist Interest Groups -Contacting within Political Institutions helps give Interest Groups access to politicians. Contacts are very Important for Professional Lobbyists.
What methods would Interest Groups deploy in the hope of Gaining Influence?-Lobbying to Persuade and Contact Politicians -Electioneering involves Activities like Donations, Publicity, and Canvaasing which aims to Influence Electoral Results -Grassroots Activity needs Members to be active in Political Activity, like via Demonstrations or Direct Actions -Legal Methods are used to Influence the Courts, such as the Supreme Court
How can Interest Groups influence the Executive/President?-Lobbying via Meetings with Presidents, Cabinet, and EXOP Advisers -Electioneering to Influence Outcome of Presidential Election, or gain Favour with the Successful Candidate
How can Interest Groups influence the Legislature/Congress?-Lobbying board Meetings with key Political Figures or their Staff -Focusing on relevant committees or Chambers. The Senate for Treaty Ratification for example -Electioneering, definitely making use of the Short Terms
How can Interest Groups influence the Judiciary/Supreme Court?-Litigating by Taking a Case to Court -Lobbying the Court via Amicus Briefs -Lobbying the Senate to Influence Supreme Court Nominations
What Positive Impacts has Interest Groups done for US Democracy?-Promoting Participation, giving People the Chance to Directly Influence the Political Process. Demonstrations or Lobbying Campaigns over a bill can give the People the Power -Representing the People by giving a Voice to those who may be Overlooked. Interest Groups Can Promote a Pluralist Democracy -Providing Checks on the Government, and ensuring it does not become Corrupt or Self-Interested. Politicians must carry out the Policies they have promised to the Electorate n
What Negative Impacts has Interest Groups done for US Democracy?-Undermine Liberal Democracy if they use Violent or Illegal Methods that affect the Rights of Others. May Break the Law passed by Democratic Procedures which Reflects Will of Majority -Promotes the Inequality of Representation as it Over Represents Small but Powerful Groups. Interest Groups may Limit Majority Views when Powerful Elites dominates Decision Making via Huge Resources or Extensive Contacts -Restrict Elected Governments from carrying out Policies -Finance becoming an Increase concern with PAC Donations and the rise of Super PAC since 2010