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level: Interpretations and Debates about US Democracy and Participation

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level questions: Interpretations and Debates about US Democracy and Participation

What Reforms can be done to the Electoral College?-Introducing, via a Constitutional Amendment, a National Popular Vote System, where the Candidate wins via the most votes in America -Removing Faithless Electors, either by State Law or Constitutional Amendment
Why may it be hard to see Reform done to the Electoral College?-Over Represented States will not Agree to Remove the Electoral College -On top of that, the Entrenched Constitution and the Hard Amendment Process means its Basically Impossible
What is the National Interstate Compact?-This would Bypass the Constitutional Amendment requirement -When a State is in the National Interstate Compact, it will agree to cast its Electoral College Votes for the Winner of the National Popular Vote. -Currently, there are 16 States with 196 ECVs and it requires 270 ECVs for any effect to Happen
What are the Key Aspects of the role of Campaign Finance?-Political Donations are a Major Source of Funding for Parties and Candidates -Increase in importance of Money spent in US Elections. Elections get more Expensive -Regulation on Campaign Finance has been Restricted, which is Increasing the Importance of Money in US Elections -Super PACs have Increased the Amount of Money that can be Raised -Money does not always equal Success. A Candidate may attract the most Money perhaps, Contrastly, due to their popularity with the US Electorate
Why has Reform been Difficult to Achieve when it comes to Campaign Finance?-Lack of Political Will: Politicians are hesitant to Tighten Rules that Regulate the Money they get, as they have benefitted from the Money! -SCOTUS Response: The 1st Amendment usually makes Reform an Absolute Nightmare -Loopholes: Wealthy Businesses have Resources to Find and Exploit Loopholes like Soft Money which are Hard to Close -Entrenched Constitution: The only way to Overturn SCOTUS rulings is to Amend the Constitution. Sanders tried, and Failed to get his 'Saving American Democracy' Amendment through Congress