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level: Tradition

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level questions: Tradition

What does Tradition actually Refer too?-This places Importance of Learning from Past Generations and always having a Connection to what has gone Before. -Tradition keeps Humans - weak and insecure - safe and gives an Understanding as to where we all Fit in -Tradition helps Connect Humans to their Ancestors and to those who will Follow us in the Future. This helps creates Personal Identities and to create Connections via Shared Histories and Culture -This leads to Social Cohesion
Where can Tradition be Found in the UK and USA?-Institutions such as the Monarchy, Church of England, The House of Lords and the Armed Forces for the UK -In the USA, the American Flag, USCON and Celebrations such as the 4th of July
Why can some Traditional Institutions or Celebrations not be Replaced?-Taking the Monarchy as an example, it has survived literally Hundreds of Years and is Full of Wisdom and should be kept for the Future to Appreciate and Connect to -Abolishing it and even Replacing can lead to Dangerous Instability
Why can Tradition create the Suspicion of Change for Conservatives-Most are Sceptical of Change because it goes Against Tradition and makes Insecurity in the Weak and Vulnerable Humans -This can develop into a Fear of Multiculturalism and Immigration. -Neo-Liberals may argue for Change and are Rationalists (Which we will see later)
How can Religion explain the Suspicion of Change for Conservatives?-Much of the Conservative View of Tradition comes from the Religious Beliefs of Many (not all) Conservatives and may be Linked to Many Religions, not just Christianity -Examples: Provides Stability and Order, Authority and Hierarchy, Cultural Identity
Are Conservatives Against All Change? -Use UK Devolution as an example.-No but they want Change to be Slow and Evolutionary rather than Radical. Should only take place if it's Necessary -While the Conservative Party opposed Devolution, it's now seen as a Way to Keep the Union. Change here is a Specific Circumstances - Devolution had Taken Place and shouldn't be Abolished - rather than something the Party initially wanted can be Described as Change to Conserve. In Other Words, They realised Devolution was Good for the UK, and Convseratives wanted to Maintain that. -Change should be based on Analysis of Past Events, rather than for Abstract events or Utopian Views
What does Radical mean?-Far-Reaching and Thorough. A Major Departure from what has Gone Before. Conservatives are not like this
What does Change to Conserve mean?-Belief that Change can be Necessary, but must be Slow, Evolutionary, and based on Experience so it can Protect Tradition and Prevent Social Instability
How can Tradition help Reinforce the Belief for Private Property?-Conservatives believes in Ownership giving Insecure Individuals Security and Independence from the Government, whilst also Encouraging Respect for the Law and for the Property of Others -Property Owners are thus more Likely to Uphold the Status Quo, as they fear Change can Threaten their Property Rights -They respect those in Authority, who will Help Protect their Assets, and will Support Traditional Family Values that allows them to Pass on a Legacy to Future Generation -Finally, they argue Private Property allows Individuals to Express their Personality and Character (Furnishing) -This Belief in Private Property is at the Heart of all Conservative Thinking, and one where their is Agreement from all Sides
What does Authority mean?-Refers to the Legitimate Right to Tule and Exercise Power over Others. -The Right can come from Tradition (Monarch) or via Elections such as a Prime Minister
What do Conservatives mean by Property anyways?-Concept of Property Encompasses Various Tangible and Intangible Assets an Individual can Control like: -Real Property: Land, Buildings and other Physical Strucutres -Personal Property: Possessions like Cars, Furniture, Clothing and more -Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights -Financial Assets: Stocks, Bonds, Retirement Accounts and more