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level: Collectivism

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level questions: Collectivism

How did Socialism Develop? -What did it aim for?-During the 19th and 20th Century, it came as a Response to Clear Inequalities and Social Divisions caused by Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution -It aimed for a more Fairer and Equal Alternative via Revolution or Evolution. Human Nature is Naturally Social and Collective
What is Collectivism, and why is it Superior to Individualism?-Collectivism refers to the Individual considered to be Subordinate to a Larger Group, like a State, Nation or Social Class -This implies Cooperation with each other, rather than Competitive Individual Self-Striving. -Socialists argue Collectivism is Morally and Economically Superior to Individualism. This argument also applies to Capitalism, as a Means of Economic Individualism
Why is Collectivism Superior Moral in Socialist Views? -Why would it link to Socalist's view on Human Nature?-It creates Cooperation and Prevents the Aggressive Conflict Individual's Self Striving Behaviour has caused. -There are Positive and Unifying Effects on Society, which provide Moral and Economic Benefits -This links with their Positive Human Nature as they assume Humans are Naturally Social Altruistic Beings, so Collectivism is just a Natural Development
Why is Collectivism Economically Superior according to a Socialists View?-It Prevents Unnecessary and Wasteful Competition, and creates, in theory, Greater Productivity -People work together more efficiently, rather than against each other
What does Cooperation mean, from a Socialists perspective?-Refers to the idea Humans are Malleable and Moulded by Circumstances but tend towards Altruism. -We are Social Beings, and we Naturally work with Others
How has Collectivism been Interpreted in Socialism?-During the 19th and 20th Centuries, Collectivism has been associated with the State being the Collective Body, which was an Alternative to Private Ownership associated with Capitalism -For Fundamentalist Socialists/Communists during the 20th Century, Collectivism was seen as State Planning and Abolishing Private Property. This meant the Nationalisation of All Means of Production and thus Total State Control of the Organisation of the Economy -Social Democrats would see Collectivism as an Exemplified Welfare State. All Contributions via Progressive Taxation and all Benefits. Ta-dah
Why are Trade Unions a Form of Collectivism?-Trade Unions are based on the Collectivist Idea of Workers coming Together to form Democratic Organisations that aim to Achieve a Better Outcome for all
Why can the Cooperative Movement be seen as Example of Collectivism?-Cooperatives are Worked Owned or Consumer Owned -The Co-Op in Britain is a Great Example. John Lewis too.