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level: Rejection of the State

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level questions: Rejection of the State

What is Anarchism Defined as?-The State is Evil and Unnecessary, and Humans can Realise their full Potential and Freedom without it -It isn't based on Chaos and Violence, but rather that Humans are Rational and Capable of Living Cooperatively. -However, the Divisions over Human Nature, Use of Violence, and what Replaces the State makes Anarchism quite Hard to Define
Why do Anarchists despise the State?-The State is always Corrupt and Coercive and will Restrict human liberty to Decide and Control their own destiny -Anarchists see Human Nature as Mouldable, and like Liberals, see Power as Corrupting -But Liberal Ideas of Limiting State with C+B is Impossible, Designed to give False Impression that it is possible to Restrict the State as All Laws restrict Individual Freedom and the Threat of Violence and Punishment is there if we Disobey them
Why would Anarchists consider a Revolution?-Anarchists see the State, like Marxists, as a Tool of the Wealthy and Privileged so it creates Inequality -To get rid of the State, a Revolution is needed, and it won't go down Without a Fight -But they reject the Marxist Organised and Disciplined Revolutions and instead enjoy Direct Action (Breaking the Law to make a Political Point) and Civil Disobedience. -Direct Democracy will replace the Representative Democracy