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level: Human Imperfection

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level questions: Human Imperfection

How do Conservatives see Human Nature as?-Selfish and Flaws. Emotional rather than Rational (hmm) -This Pessimism impacts their View on the State and Society -Conservatives see Human Nature as Psychologically Weak - we are Fragile and Vulnerable and seek Security which can be found in an Hierarchy - a Social System which we all know Our Places, our Roles, and can Defer to the Natural Leaders who are Above us -This is in Complete Contrast to Optimistic Liberal Beliefs, and it allows Conservatives to Prioritise Order above Freedom and Libety
Why do Conservatives see Criminals as Common?-Because of our Vulnerability, Individuals may become Criminals -Humans have no Sense of Morality, and we are Selfish and Greedy and may even turn to Violence.
How do Conservatives deal with such a Pessimistic View on Human Nature?-Institutions such as the Education System, Nuclear Family, and the Police imposes Values of Right and Wrong on Us -This does Imply roles and Powers of the State too -No Strong State makes Society more Unstable and Chaotic. -Conservatives are more Likely to Blame the Criminal for their Actions, than rather see Society as in Any Way Responsible for Crime. -This thus creates a Focus on Strict Law and Order Policy, such as the Death Penalty
What does Hierarchy Mean?-Refers to a Society Ordered on an Unequal Basis. Those at the Top holds authority and those on the Bottom Obeys those Above. -This Structure takes no Consideration on Ability or Talent
What Intellectual Impacts does the Conservative View of Human Natures entail?-Humans can not Understand or Make Sense of the Complex and Scary World around us. Religious Institutions can explain this to us and will be part of the Hierarchy of a Conservative State and Society -This is also why Conservatives reject Abstract Ideas - We find them Unsettling as they Suggest Change and Rejecting already Learned Experience
What does Human Imperfection mean?-Refers to the Belief that Humans are Psychologically, Morally, and Intellectually Weak. -Incapable of Understanding the World around them