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level: Paternalism

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level questions: Paternalism

What is Paternalism?-The term 'Pater' mean Father, so the Role of a Paternalistic State is to act as an Authoritative Father Figure to the Weak and Flawed Citizens, providing Care and Maintaining Order via Regulating their Behaviours
What would a Paternalistic State allow?-Hierarchical and Unequal, and aims to protect the Status Quo by Preventing Riots from the Working Class, which may Involve some Welfare Provision to Hush them. This is key for One Nation Conservatives
What is Hard Paternalism?-Refers to the Government not Concerned with Consent. The State can Step in to not allow Actions or Activities that are Dangerous or Undesirable - such as Banning Smoking -Essentially just Favours Forcing People to do things
What is Soft Paternalism?-Refers to the Government should act in a Fatherly Authoritative Way, looks for the Needs and Regulates Citizen's Behaviour, but should require Broad Consent -Essentially using Persuasion and Education
What does Paternalism say about Inequality and Democracy?-Inequality is both Natural and Desirable. Edmund Burke argued Leaders come from the 'Natural Aristocracy' and Victorian PM Benjamin Disraeli said the Rich had a Duty to the Poor (Two Nations) -Linked to Belief in Organic Society, Paternalism suggests there are Natural Leaders who form the Elite, and who act Responsibly as they see fit, rather than in a Representative Way -This puts most Conservatives in Opposition to Democracy, but as Pragmatists, they have Accepted Democracy today where the Masses can choose between a Selection of Members of the Elite to make the Decisions