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level: Classical Liberalism

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level questions: Classical Liberalism

Why do Classical Liberals believe in Negative Freedom?-Because of Humans being the Best Judge on their own Actions, they don't need the Restraints put on them by the Government -Dominant in the 19th Century, and in Thatcher's Britain influencing Neo-Liberal Thought.
What is Individualism to Classical Liberals? -What is this based on?-Means Atomism and the idea Human Nature is Egotstical and Self-Serving. -Individuals should be free to do What they want, in any Sphere, not just Economics - as long as it doesn't harm anyone (Harm Principle) -This is based on how Humans are Rational and will make the Best Decision when they are left alone
Why would Classical Liberals like Utilitarianism?-English Philosopher Jeremy Bentham's (1748-1832) idea: He argued People are Motivated by the Desire for Enjoyment and Happiness, and if something Increases this, It's Right -This can even suggest the Suppression of a Minority Group to Improve the Majority's Wellbeing. -This aligns with the Classic Liberals' perspective on Individual Freedom and Limited Government. But they may see the Danger of Individual Rights and Minorities
Why, from the Classical Liberal viewpoint, should the State act as a night watchman? What does this even Entail?-Because of Negative Freedom, The State should Prevent Citizens from Harming each other, and Restricting Individual Freedom -At Best, the State is a Necessary Nuisance -At Worst, the State is Oppressive and Coercive -The Minimal State thus has a Role Relating to Law and Order and has no Place in the Runnings of the Free Market of Personal Lives of Individuals
What are Natural Rights? Why should the State be protecting this?-The Government should Create and enforce Laws and protect Private Property, Life and Safeguard Natural Rights -Liberals see Individual Rights as natural, and this links with Formal Equality. -Locke talked about 'Life, Liberty and Property' whilst Thomas Jefferson went on about 'Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness' -Equality in Legal Terms would be enough to allow Equality of Oppporuntieis -The State and Society are just Areas where we Pursue our Self-Interest as Individuals rather than Entities in Themselves
Why would Classical Liberals support Laissez-faire Capitalism?-Because the Support for a Limited State, they wouldn't want to see Interference in the Economy and Free Trade -Classical argues that Gov Intervention Harms the Freedom of Firms of making Profits and the Economy is in the Hands of Private Individuals. -Adam Smith argued the Market could and would Regulate itself via the Invisible Hand -Free Individuals can choose to Enter any Contract they like, or interact with any Market they want
Why do Classical Liberals reject the Welfare State?-They reject any Idea of a Welfare State, because it will Destroy Wealth via Taxation, and Deprive the Enterprising of their Fruits of Scuess -The Welfare Systems harms Individual Freedom via a Dependency Culture being set up. Only people who literally can't work should be supported (Disabled) -This was definitely Influenced by the Social Darwinism - Inequality is Natural, Life is Competitive and the Stronger will Prevail via Natural Selection. My god
Why does the Classical View on Human Nature explain their reasoning on not Rejecting the State Completely?-Their view on Human Nature is that Humans are Selfish and Uninterested in the Welfare of others. Thus it leads to a Belief that the State only needed to Protect us from each other -Because of the Belief in Negative Freedom, the State must be Very Restrictive. But it's better than Anarchists. They reject the State!
Why are Classical Liberals Suspicious of Democracy?-They see it as a Mob Rule - The masses will Oppress Minorities and Steal Property -Thus Democracy can Negatively Affect Individual Freedom -Equality and Freedom are Contradictory Terms in Classical Liberal's eyes. Coupled with their Pessimistic Views of Human Nature, they fear All Politicians, even those voted by the Majority, will be Greedy and Corrupt