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level: Modern Liberalism

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level questions: Modern Liberalism

What brought the rise of Modern Liberalism?-Classical was Accepted in the Pre-Democratic Victorian Ages -But as the Impact of the Industrial Revolution grew Starker, its appeal became well Yucky -Poverty, Sickness and Ignorance were Commonplace, and well it led to a Contradiction between what Liberals promised -English Philosopher T.H Green (1836-1882) said Classical Liberalism wouldn't lead to the Freedom it aimed for, apart from a Successful few -Formal Equality, based on law, Shockingly didn't lead to Equality of Opportunity -This obviously meant Change was needed else Liberalism would just Fade away
What did Modern Liberals realise?-The shocking state for the Majority of the Population during the Victorian Era had to be sorted out. The State had to get Involved -Development Equality needed State Intervention. When people spend Most of their Lives in Unhealthy Factories, and with little Rights, there is 0 chance they can develop as Rational Beings -An Inactive State as well as Capitalism led to Poverty and Divison
What happened during the 20th-century Liberalism? -What was the Beveridge Report about?-The beginning of the Century saw 2 Liberal Governments, led by Asquith and Lloyd George who brought about Welfare Measures, and also the 1911 House of Lords Act -Because positive freedom began being more Popular with Liberals, they started to see more of a Role of the State. -The Beveridge Report (1942) said that Beginning Life Disadvantages led to Opportunities to Prosper were Unequal. Formal Equality does nothing to Change this.
Because of the Beveridge Report, how did Modern Liberals try to achieve Equality of Opportunity -How did this change their perspective on Individualism?-Positive Freedom was the new method to Ensure Individual Development and Self-Fulfilment -This thus makes them Less Individualistic and more on trying to pursuit the Goal of the Common Good - Individuals are not Truly Free if some of them are Not
What did JS Mill say about Individuality and what did this do to perspective on the State?-JS Mill argued some People will Fail to succeed, and it isn't even their Fault of their Own (Lack of Education, Poor Housing/Living conditions) -Therefore the State needs to ensure All Individuals have a Genuine Real Chance of being Successful in Life and ensuring True Liberty -This is Developmental Individualism - not Egoistical Individualism where the Human doesn't care for the Success others have. -The State is seen as a Source for Empowerment, not Oppression.
Why would Modern Liberals appreciate Keynesianism?-Keynesianism advocates for State Intervention and Investment to Protect Workers and maintain Economic Stability -Progressive Taxation, Regulations on Working Rights, Universal Free Education, Welfare, Benefits... This is all linked to Keynesianism -This goes side by side with Positive Freedom. Keynes wanted a Mixed Economy which creates a Level Playing Field and ensuring True Equality of Opportunity
Why would it be Incorrect to say Socialists and Modern Liberals have the same Ideas and Principles-There is a genuine Link Between them, especially with Revisionist Socialists like Blair -But the Focus for Modern Liberals is on the Individual and allowing it to Succeed in its goals - not have a 'Cradle to Grave' Collectivist Vision -Liberal Reforms did lead to a Welfare State sure, but they were still Limited and tried to aim not to create a Dependency Culture
Why would Modern Liberals support Democracy?-Contrasting to Classical Liberals, Modern sees it - especially its Liberal Form - as the Only Way to Spread Power away from the Centre, and prevent Dangerous Concentrations and Tyranny. -Democracy should encourage Greater Participation, Improvements in Education and allowing Individual Self-Development
Why would it be Incorrect to Assume Modern Liberalism is a Complete Break from Classical Liberalism?-There are differences, but the Focus remains on the Rational, Self-Interested, Individual - not a Group or Collective Body -Individuals Needs and Interests are the Starting Point. Society should be Based on allowing Individuals the Greatest Opportunity to Satisfy their Interests