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level: Summary

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Summary

What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement in Liberalism when it comes to: Human Nature-All Liberals believe in Human Rationality and Capacity for Progress. Humans are not Governed by Passions and Emotions, but by Reason and Factually -This means they can determine their Actions and be Free from Constraint (Negative Freedom -Modern Liberals go Further, arguing there should be Help from the State - Positive Freedom.
What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement in Liberalism when it comes to: Society-Liberals say Individuals have the Right to Economic, social and Political Rights -They Support Individualism, Tolerance and DIversity. Also in Natural Rights and Formal Equality. This should be Protected by Laws -Classic Liberals support Egoistical Individualism - Humans care for themselves really - while Modern supports Developmental Individualism - For all to develop and Flourish -Modern also says more needs to be done than just Formal Equality to achieve Equality of opportunities. This suggests more of a role for the State
What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement in Liberalism when it comes to: State-Liberals support a Limited Government. Government should be Restricted, Legitimate and Accountable -Classic Liberals want a Night-Watchman Minimal State, while Modern calls for an Enabling State, which supports the idea of Positive Freedom
What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement in Liberalism when it comes to: Economy-All Liberals support Capitalism, as it's a core aspect of Individual Freedom -But they are split with Classical favouring Laissez-Faire Economics and Self Reliance, but Modern wanting Keynesian Economics as Needed to ensure Equality of Opportunity and Positive Freedom