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level: Workers' Control

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Workers' Control

What is State Central Planning? What is a Viable Alternative that involves the Workers?-Central Planning is where the Governments controls Resource Allocation, Production Targets and Ownership. It has Collective Goals, Centralized Management and State Ownership. -Some other Socialists believe the Workers should Participate in the Economic Management of their Place of Work and Share in Profits. This is core for Syndicalism
What do Syndicalists argue for? -What happened in France and Italy during Early 20th century?-They call for Workers Control via Trade Unions -France and Italy dealt with General Strikes and Radical Trade Union Action to Overthrow the Governments
Why would the Cooperative Movement be a Good Example of Non-Marxist Economics-During the 19th Century by the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers, it originally had Groups of Small Retailers coming together to Combine their Buying Power -Cooperatives are Democratic Organisations, controlled by its Members and where Profits are Shared -The Co-Operative Group is the Largest Mutual Business in Britain, owned by its 7 Million Customers and Members