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level: Collectivist Anarchism

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level questions: Collectivist Anarchism

What do Collectivists Anarchists see Human Beings as? -How does this link to their view on the State?-In Similar Ways to Marxism, Collectivist Anarchism see Human Beings as Intrinsically Social and Cooperative and Naturally work together with Others -Thus the State can be Replaced by Voluntary and Cooperative Bodies, which would make a Society based on Absolute Equality
What does Anarcho-Communism argue for?-Born in 19th Century Russia, it argued for Abolishing Private Property and creating Directly Democratic Self Governing Communes based on Common Ownership and Collectivisation
What does Anarcho-Syndicalism argue for?-During the early 20th Century in Spain and Italy, it was based around the Mass Revolutionary Democratic and Decentralised Trade Union -Its method was the General Strike and it Aimed for Workers to Take Over the Running of their Workplaces, Overthrow the State and Abolish Capitalism