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level: Level 5 - Liver

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level questions: Level 5 - Liver

Plants that can cause Hepatocyte damage - Cause direct damage to the cell of the liver● Senecio (groundsel, asteraceae)
Mushroom toxins that can cause liver damage● Gyromitra esculenta (False morel), ● Amanita, Galerina, Lepiota
they produce Mycotoxins● Aspergillus species, ● Gibberella species, ● Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum
- Contains PYRROLIZIDINE (UNDERGOES LYPOPERIXIDATION) = Damages the liver by HEPATIC VENO-OCCLUSIVE DISEASE which is manifested by CONSISTENT JAUNDICE = HEPATIC FAILURE Clinical signs associated w/ liver damage: RESEMBLES CIRRHOSIS, HEPATIC TUMORS which are then mistaken in hepatotoxicity The clinical condition is a form of BUDD-CHIARI SYNDROME with PORTAL HYPERTENSION & OBLITERATION SEVERE LIVER DAMAGE: BLOATED STOMACH because of the accumulation of fluid (LAST STAGE OF DAMAGE OF THE LIVER)Senecio (groundsel, asteraceae)
- Toxic principle is GYROMITRIN (acetaldehyde-N-formylhydrazone) - REPEATED CONSUMPTIONS: HEPATITIS with gastrointestinal disordersGyromitra esculenta (False morel)
- Among all the types of mushrooms, THREE are the MOST FATAL POISONING of MUSHROOM - Serious clinical signs DEVELOPS VERY SLOWLY (manifests on the 3rd day after ingestion) - Severe cases: NO OTHER TREATMENT but a LIVER TRANSPLANT1 Amanita, 2 Galerina, 3 Lepiota
is appropriately called “death cap”Amanita phalloides
- Produces AFLATOXIN in stored grain - Also produces OCHRATOXIN A, an immunosuppressant chemical - Infection by through inhalation of the spores that contains mycotoxins - Manifestations: Anaphylactic reaction, pneumonia, asthma like reactions etc. - Suppresses immune system = cause several diseasesAspergillus species
1 mycotoxin stored in grain 2 an immunosuppressant chemical1 AFLATOXIN 2 OCHRATOXIN A
- Penicillium molds (SOURCE OF PENICILLIN ANTIBIOTICS, Inhaled spores/ ingestion = causes toxicity), and ZEARALENONEFusarium and Gibberella species
- GROWS ON CORNS - Toxic principles: FUMONISIN - HORSES USUALLY AFFECTED (ingestion of contaminated corn) = MOLDY CORN POISONING or EQUINE LEUKOENCEPHALOMALACIA - Signs and Symptoms: Lethargy, ataxia, convulsion and worse is death - May vary on its target organ - Main target: Liver but also target other organs especially on specific living organismsFusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum
Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum - Different targets to different species: 1 Horses: 2 Pigs: 3 Rats: 4 Chicken: 5 Human:1 liver and brain 2 Liver and lungs 3 liver and kidney 4 liver 5 causes esophageal cancer