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level: Level 7 - Nervous System

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level questions: Level 7 - Nervous System

Plants that causes Epileptic-form seizures● Cicuta maculata (water hemlock) ● Mint family (labiatae) ● Strychnos nux vomixa
- Contains CIRCUTOXIN (binds to GABA-gated chloride channels and cause acute neurotoxicity) - SINGLE TUBER= fatal poisoning, characterized by tonic clonic convulsions - TONIC- STIFFENING of the px - Clonic- having TWITCHING OR JERKING - If COMBINED- stiffening of the px and having twitching or jerkingCicuta maculata (water hemlock)
Mint family (labiatae) are noted for their essential oils such as➔ Pennyroyal (hedeoma) ➔ Sage (salvia) ➔ Hyssop (hyssopus)
- Contains odorous MONOTERPENES (causes tonic clonic convulsions) - High oral dose - it is used as a flavoringMint family (labiatae)
- Contains STRYCHNINE & BRUCINE (indols = CNS stimulation by blocking the GLYCINE-GATED CHLORIDE CHANNELS)● Strychnos nux vomixa
Plant that affect the Excitatory Amino Acids - Excessive stimulation of the nervous system. Which sometimes causes the death of the neurons.● Marine red alga (Digenia simplex) ● Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) and Panther agaric (Amanita pantherian)
○ too much production can cause the RED TIDE ○ Seafoods from red tide - Contains KAINIC ACID - Consumptions might cause acute symptoms like gastrointestinal distress, headache, HEMIPARESIS, confusion and seizures. - For PROLONGED EFFECT: causes SEVERE MEMORY DEFICITS and SENSORY MOTOR NEUROPATHY (tingling & pain on hands and feet).Marine red alga (Digenia simplex)
- Contains IBOTENIC ACID (isoxazole amino acid) and to its derivative MUSCIMOL - MANIFESTATION: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION, ataxia, hesteria, hallucinations - RARE CASES: sometimes MYOCLONIC TWITCHING AND SEIZURES● Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) and Panther agaric (Amanita pantherian)
Plants that causes Motor Neuron Demyelination - It destroys the myelin sheaths● Buckthorn, Coyotillo, and Tulllidora
- Contains ANTHRACENONES ❖ (amount VARY in different STAGES of their growth) ➢ GREEN FRUIT: MORE TOXIC than the RIPE FRUIT ❖ Signs and Symptoms: ASCENDING FLACCID PARALYSIS ➢ muscle relapse/weakness and shrinks ➢ The damage STARTS FROM THE NEURONS OF LEGS and up to the whole body and until the patient will die ➢ LAST STAGE: BULBAR PARALYSIS - PARALYSIS OF JAW, FACE, PHARYNX AND LARYNX● Buckthorn, Coyotillo, and Tulllidora
causes LUNG ATELECTASIS & EMPHYSEMA & MASSIVE LIVER NECROSISperoxisomicine A2 (anthracenones in karwinskia)
Plants that affect Cerebellar Neurons - Consumption can affect/damage the cerebellar neurons (the speech and the locomotor activity)● Australian plant (Swainsona canescens) ● Spotted locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus) and locoweed (oxytropis sericea)
- Contains WAINONINE is an INDOLIZIDINE ALKALOID. - In animals dying from this poisoning, there is CYTOPLASMIC FOAMY VACULATION of CEREBELLAR NEURONS - Manifestation: ABERRANT BEHAVIOR, abnormal behavior, HYPEREXCITABILITY & LOCOMOTOR DIFFICULTY● Spotted locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus) and locoweed (oxytropis sericea)
Plants that causes Parasympathetic stimulation - Response when at rest (decrease on respiration and high heart rate) and eating/digesting (increases digestion and stimulation or over production of the saliva)● Amanita muscaria
- Contains several alkaloids: MUSCARINE, & IBOTENIC ACID (Affects the autonomic nervous system and mimic the transmitter acetylcholine at autonomic ganglia which is in the nicotinic receptor or at the peripheral endings at the parasympathetic system (muscarinic receptor)) - IBOTENIC ACID: causes poisoning - Manifestation: Diarrhea, SWEATING, SALIVATION, LACRIMATION● Amanita muscaria
(Affects the autonomic nervous system and MIMIC THE TRANSMITTER ACETYLCHOLINE at autonomic ganglia which is in the nicotinic receptor or at the peripheral endings at the parasympathetic system (muscarinic receptor))MUSCARINE, & IBOTENIC ACID present in Amanita muscaria
Plants that causes Parasympathetic block - Opposite effect from stimulation● Datura stramonium (jimson weed) ● Hyoscyamus niger (henbane) ● Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) ● Duboisia myoporoides (pituri) ● Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet)
1 Contains primarily scopolamine 2 - Contains primarily l-hyoscyamine 3 - Contains atropine 4 - Contains I-hyoscyamine1 Datura stramonium (jimson weed) 2 Hyoscyamus niger (henbane) 3 Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) 4 Duboisia myoporoides (pituri)
usually exerts their action by blocking the muscarinic receptorAlkaloids such atropine, l-hyoscyamine,and scopolamine
- Contains SOLANINE (glycoalkaloid) - Brilliant RED ORANGE FRUIT, gathered in the fall for flower arrangement - Acute toxicity from ingested seeds may cause tachycardia, dilated pupils, hot and dry skin or the same MANIFESTATION OF ATROPINE POISONING● Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet)
Plants that causes Sensory Neuron Block - Contains CAPSAICIN = produces burning sensation in VR1 sensory endings but also synthesizes of the transient potential vanilloid 1 receptor on the sensory endings of the C fiber non receptors to stimuli - Helpful: Long term sensory= It can be used to treat pain chronic pain● Sweet pepper (Capsicum annum) & Red pepper (Capsicum frutescens)