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level: prelims

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level questions: prelims

It is the study of detection and identification of elicit drugs accelance used in arson cases explosive and gunshot residues A. Forensic serologist B. Forensic chemistry C. Forensic botany D. Forensic archeology E. Forensic engineeringB. Forensic chemistry
The study of fingerprint A. Forensic dactyloscopy B. Forensic chemistry C. Forensic photography D. Forensic entomology E. Digital forensicA. Forensic dactyloscopy
Forensic that assist in determination of time or location of death A. Forensic entomologist B. Forensic botany C. Forensic anthropology D. A and B E. B and CD. A and B
The evidence that may derived from teeth are following except A. Age B. Identification of person to whom the teeth belong C. Identification of particular dentist who replace the teeth with artificial teeth D. All of the above E. None of the aboveC. Identification of particular dentist who replace the teeth with artificial teeth
8. The typical circumstantial evidence is process in a A. Dental laboratory B. Crime laboratory C. Medical laboratory D. None of the above- No answer yet
Evidence that occurs where different objects contact one another A. Material evidence B. Trace evidence C. Tell tail mark D. A and b only E. B and c only F. None of the aboveE. B and c only
Autopsies are designed for the following except A. Discover and preserve evidence B. Document that evidence C. Sell the evidence if needed by the court D. All of the above E. None of the aboveC. Sell the evidence if needed by the court
Which of the following tooth parameter can be utilize for age estimation A. Tooth mineralization, Crown completion, Eruption of the crow, complimentary roots B. Tooth wear, tooth color and periodontal attachments C. Degree of secondary dentin aposition, cementum aposition, root resorption and root transparency D. All of the aboveD. All of the above
Which of the following method for forensic identification is most superior A. Fingerprint identification B. Dentition identification C. Serological marker identification D. Dna identificationD. Dna identification
In forensic identification, which portion of the tooth serves as a source of dna for dna testing A. Vascular pulp of tooth B. Odontoblastic process and cellular cementum C. Accessory canal D. All of the aboveD. All of the above
Most reliable method of identification of a person A. Anthropometry B. Dactylography C. Dna finger printing D. DentitionB. Dactylography
They primarily investigate death and injury for criminal or civil legal purpose A. Forensic anthropologist B. Forensic dentistry C. Forensic botany D. None of the aboveA. Forensic anthropologist
The study of postmortem changes in the body due to environment A. Physical anthropologist B. Forensic botany C. Environmental chemistry D. Forensic taphonomyD. Forensic taphonomy
Changes of the body may include A. Normal decomposition B. Movement or modification by flowing water freezing or mummification C. Alteration or scattering of balipars by scavenger D. All of the above E. None of the aboveD. All of the above
Evidence that may be recovered from grave For examining remains include the following except. A. Hair B. Bones C. Teeth D. None of the above E. All of the followingD. None of the above
Evidence of identification with certainty are the following except. A. Fingerprint match B. Xray match C. Dental match D. Dna match E. None of the above F. All of the aboveE. None of the above
Forensic odontologist shall work alone in identifying a victim as long as he has the victim’s patient records or chart premortem radiographs and police reports A. True B. FalseB. False
The forensic team is charged with the responsibility of investigating the cases involving the following except A. Child abuse B. Elder abuse C. Missing person D. Falsification of document case E. None of the aboveD. Falsification of document case
Forensic identification is A. group or individual collection and formulation of evidence B. Multidisciplinary team efforts or an establishing identity of victim and culprit C. Multidisciplinary team efforts on formulation of evidence for its admission in court D. Multidisciplinary team effort on making a reliable evidence against a suspect to ensure a suspect's conviction to answer for the crime committed E. None of the aboveB. Multidisciplinary team efforts or an establishing identity of victim and culprit
Composition of a team are the ff except A. Forensic pathologist B. Handwriting expert C. Serologist D. Criminalist E. None of the aboveB. Handwriting expert
All of the ff are methods utilize for age determination in adults except A. Demirrijjan’s grading B. Dentin translucency by bang and ram C. Gustafson method D. Kagery and grupeA. Demirrijjan’s grading
Dna of an assailant can aim from the surface of the bitemark by (samdreng) A. Oral microflora B. Saliva C. Skin D. Dental pulpB. Saliva
In chronic arsenic poisoning, the following samples can be sent to laboratory for examinations except A. Nail clipping B. Hair samples C. Bone biopsy D. Blood sampleD. Blood sample
In a chart body which of the following means is useful in identification A. Stature B. Scar marks C. Dental record comparison D. Skeletal featureC. Dental record comparison
This involves computer based modeling, computer simulation, analysis and recognition in studying and solving problems A. Computational forensic B. Cyber forensic C. Photography D. A and b E. B and c F. None of the aboveA. Computational forensic
Digital forensics is synonym for A. Computer forensics B. Cyber forensic C. Photography D. A and b only E. B and c only F. None of the aboveD. A and b only
Computer forensics characterized by the following except A. Rapidly changing field B. New technology are coming out daily C. It recovers material found in digital devices D. All of the above E. None of the aboveE. None of the above
Forensic Anthropology is the application of the science of physical anthropology and human osteology in _____ A. Community setting B. Legal setting C. Medical dental issues D. Public issues E. None of the aboveB. Legal setting
Forensic anthropology techniques can help in determining the following, except: A. Sex B. Ancestry C. Analized trauma D. Social Status of the victim E. None of the aboveD. Social Status of the victim
Forensic Anthropologist analyzes the remains of bones that are: A. Discovered at a scene B. Discovered at a setting after the case has been settled C. Discovered at a mass disaster after a victim’s family has claimed the dead body D. None of the bodyA. Discovered at a scene
Forensic Anthropologist can assist in the identification of which of the following: A. Deceased individual whose remains are decomposed B. Leering individual whose identity is doubtful C. Living individual who became insane and cannot establish his origin D. All of the above E. None of the aboveA. Deceased individual whose remains are decomposed
This forensic may confirm the identity of the dead body A. Forensic Pathology B. Forensic Odontology C. Forensic Dactyloscopy D. All of the above E. None of the aboveD. All of the above
The forensic expert who may also be involved in DNA analysis and bloodstain pattern analysis. A. Forensic Dentistry B. Digital Forensic C. Forensic Serology D. All of the above E. None of the aboveC. Forensic Serology
Forensic Odontology involves the following, except: A. Proper handling of dental evidence B. Proper examination of dental evidence C. Proper evaluation of dental evidence D. Proper invention of dental evidence E. None of the above.D. Proper invention of dental evidence
A great deal of effort in forensic sciences is spent on the following, except: A. Identity of the victim B. Confirmation of Identity of the victim C. Identity of the perpetrators D. To confirm that the perpetrator is really the one who committed the crime E. None of the aboveE. None of the above
For forensic identification, Forensic team rely on _____ A. Positive identification methodologies B. Presumptive methodologies C. Exclusionary methodologies D. All of the above E. None of the aboveD. All of the above
Positive identification traditionally involves a comparison of pre- and post-mortem data which are considered unique to individuals. This include the following, except: A. Dental comparison B. Palm bricks? C. Radiographics superimposition D. Cranial structures radiographs E. None of the aboveE. None of the above
Presumptive identification include the following, except: A. Visual recognition B. Personal Effect C. Serology D. Medical History E. None of the aboveE. None of the above
Forensic Identification does not require the following, except: A. Match of DNA B. Fingerprints C. Dental Records D. X-ray E. None of the aboveE. None of the above
The following conditions may help in the identification process: A. Congenital defects B. Evidence of surgical procedure C. Bony changes or certain characteristics D. A and B only E. All of the above F. None of the aboveE. All of the above
Individual characteristics that may help narrow the number of possible identities include the following: A. Congenital anomalies such as special column defect B. Presence of antemortem broken bones C. Presence of antemortem injuries D. All of the above E. None of the aboveD. All of the above
Dental evidence becomes important for such human identification cases when ______ A. Fingerprints are not obtainable B. Bitemarks have been collected and doubtful C. With name tag in fresh human remains D. Without birth certificate E. None of the aboveA. Fingerprints are not obtainable
If the antemortem and postmortem data have consistent features but due to the quality of either the postmortem remains or the antemortem evidence, it is not possible to identify, the conclusion or recommendation is: A. Positive identification B. Presumptive Identification C. Possible Identification D. Disputable presumption E. None of the aboveC. Possible Identification
Opinion of a forensic dentist may be: A. Positive identification B. Possible Identification C. Questionable Identification D. A and B only E. B and C F. All of the aboveD. A and B only
Personal Effects found with remains or at the scene do not include: A. Identification card B. Jewelry C. Cellphones D. Plants covering the remain E. Blankets covering the remainD. Plants covering the remain
The organic material vaporizes at a relatively low temperature but the inorganic elemental components can withstand the temperatures well over: A. 2000 F B. 1800 F C. 1100 F D. 1400 F E. 1000 FA. 2000 F
The x-ray exposure energy must be reduced when working with burned and skeletonized remains there from the time or MA parameters by: A. By one-third B. By one quarter C. No need D. In halfD. In half
In case of bodily disfigured cadavers, the first step in identification process is: A. Radiographic examination B. Jaw recession C. Extraoral Incision D. Inframandibular incisionA. Radiographic examination
Lip prints cannot be used ____ hours after the time of death A. 15 hours B. 5 hours C. 20 hours D. 10 hoursC. 20 hours
Where should a pathologist for a forensic odontologist should extract the teeth from the body to be submitted to the forensic DNA laboratory for further testing A. Within the crime laboratory B. In the memorial chapel before embalming the body C. At the site where the unidentified body is found D. In the morgueD. In the morgue
Fingerprints are excellent biometric method of human identification under the following circumstances, except: A. Adequate impression or image of the full upper extremities can be obtained B. If the soft tissue of the fingers are intact C. Antemortem fingerprint records are available D. Impression or images of finger’s friction ridges can be obtained E. None of the above.A. Adequate impression or image of the full upper extremities can be obtained
F. Specialized expertise is necessary to understand both the strength and significant limitations of bitemark analysis.True
T/F. Enamel makes the dental unique. It is the only exposed portion of the skeletal system but cannot resist thermal damage and blood forced trauma.False
Which is not among the common traits of Asian and Native Americans? A. Shoveling B. Anterior teeth slightly straighter around the margins of tooth lingually C. mulberry teeth D. all of the above E. none of the aboveC. mulberry teeth