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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

what is operating systemprovides both the environment in which applications can be run and a useable interface between human and computer
why do you need to do a horizontal and vertical parity check at the same timeso you can know where the wrong bits are
why is just a horizontal or just a vertical parity check insufficientyou only know there is an error, not where it is
What is echo checkAn error detection method where a copy of the data is sent back immediately, if it's not the same, then the original data is sent again
what is the disadvantage of echo checksyou cannot tell if the error was sent during the original transmission, or during the sending of the copy
what are the two most common errors when transmitting datapacket switching, interferance
what is a checksuman algorithm calculates a checksum value from the data sent, the same algorithm is used the the receivers side. if they are the same then there is no error, if they are different, then a request is sent to send the original data again.
What is check digitAll numbers of the code go through an algorithm to get a check digit, once it goes through the algorithm again and the resulting number divides into 11 without remainders, then the number is valid
What is the process of finding a check digitWeighting, multiply, addition, remainder, subtraction
What happens after the check digit is foundGets weighting (at the right) then added to the original addition, then that number is divided by 11. If there is no remainder then the number is valid
What is an error detection code also known asCyclic redundancy check
What happens when acknowledgement isn't sent back to the sender in an Automatic Repeat QueryTimeout occurs, the sender then sends the data again, until either an acknowledgement is sent back, or a preset number of sendings is met
What happens in ARQAutomatic Repeat Query. When data is sent, an error detection code is also sent. The receiver then sends back a positive or negative acknowledgement. If negative, the sender sends the data again.
what is syntax highlightingColored text based on the type of code AND automatically highlighting errors in code
what is error checkingIDE automatically finding errors in a program
what is IDEIntegrated development environment. Text editor with features to help programmers
What is pretty printingAutomatic spaces and indentations which make code easier to understand
what is translator in IDETranslating high level language to low level language for the computer to understand
what is run time environmentsoftware that allows any program to be run on a computer
11 Features of IDESyntax highlighting Error checking Line of code Collapsing line Inputs/outputs Autocompletion/correction Pretty printing Translators Run time environment
what is fixed program computera computer that can only perform one task (eg, calculator)
what is a stored program computera computer that can use many programs
What is CPUCentral processing unit. performs fetch decode execute cycle
What is CUControl unit. reads instruction form memory
What is ALUArithmetic logic unit. Does arithmetic (+-/*). Does logic gates (AND NOT OR etc) and comparisons between values (<>=!=)
What is PCProgram counter. Holds the memory address of the next instruction.
how many bits in 1 byte8
what is operating systemprovides both the environment in which applications ca be run and a useable interface between humans and computer.
what is cachememory that is in the CPU itself, it is the fastest to access. stores commonly used instructions and data. Improves Cpu performance.
what is the purpose of a web browsersoftware that allows users to access web pages by interpreting HTML to show what is on the website
features of web browserHOme page Bookmarks/favourites History Navigating forward/backward between past websites Cookies Tabs Hyperlinks
benefits of compressionreduced file size. can fit within file size limits. faster file transfer. less bandwidth needed to transfer files.
examples of primary storageRAM ROM
examples of external secondary storageHDD SDD DVD memory stick, blu ray stick, removable hard drive
what is primary memorydirectly addressable by the CPU. contains RAM ROM and cache memory
What is secondary storageNot directly addressable by the CPU. All non volatile Can be external or internal can be optical, magnetic, or solid state
examples of internal secondary storageHDD SSD
features of ROMstoring factory settings storing start up routines storing set routines (eg, buttons on a controller for turning left, right, stop)
what is SSLSecure socket layer. Makes the website secure by establishing an encrypted link between the server and client computer. It is identified by the "S" at the end of HTTPS