Weight is a force acting on an object with mass in a gravitational field. | Weight Definition |
What is weight? | Weight is a force acting on an object with mass in a gravitational field. |
The mass of an object doesn't change anywhere in the Universe. | Mass Constancy |
Does the mass of an object change in different locations in the Universe? | No, the mass of an object doesn't change anywhere in the Universe. |
The weight of an object depends on the strength of the gravitational field. | Weight Variability |
What determines the weight of an object? | The weight of an object depends on the strength of the gravitational field. |
Gravitational field strength is given the symbol g. | Gravitational Field Symbol |
What symbol represents gravitational field strength? | Gravitational field strength is given the symbol g. |
The gravitational field strength varies on different celestial bodies. Bodies with greater mass have stronger gravitational fields. | Gravitational Field Differences |
How does gravitational field strength vary in space? | The gravitational field strength varies on different celestial bodies, with more massive bodies having stronger gravitational fields. |
On Earth, g has a value of about 10 N/kg. | Earth's Gravitational Field |
What is the value of g on Earth? | On Earth, g has a value of about 10 N/kg. |
On the Moon, g is about 2 N/kg due to its smaller size compared to Earth. | Moon's Gravitational Field |
What is the value of g on the Moon and why? | On the Moon, g is about 2 N/kg because the Moon is much smaller than Earth. |
The bigger the gravitational field strength, the bigger the weight. | Field Strength and Weight |
How does gravitational field strength affect weight? | The bigger the gravitational field strength, the bigger the weight. |
Weight can be calculated with the equation: Weight = mass × gravitational field strength (W = m × g). | Weight Calculation |
How can weight be calculated? | Weight can be calculated with the equation: Weight = mass × gravitational field strength (W = m × g). |
The speed of a satellite in a circular orbit stays the same, but its direction constantly changes. | Constant Speed |
Does the speed of a satellite in a circular orbit change? | No, the speed stays the same, but the direction constantly changes. |
Since the direction of the satellite is constantly changing, its velocity is constantly changing. | Changing Velocity |
Why is the velocity of a satellite in a circular orbit constantly changing? | Because the direction of the satellite is constantly changing. |
If the velocity of an object changes, it must be accelerating. | Acceleration and Velocity |
What does a change in velocity indicate about an object? | It indicates that the object is accelerating. |
An object only accelerates if there's a resultant force acting on it. | Resultant Force |
When does an object accelerate? | An object accelerates only if there's a resultant force acting on it. |
The resultant force needed for a circular orbit is called the centripetal force. | Centripetal Force |
What is the force called that is needed for a circular orbit? | The force needed is called the centripetal force. |
Gravity provides the centripetal force that keeps satellites in a circular orbit. | Gravity as Centripetal Force |
What provides the centripetal force that keeps satellites in orbit? | Gravity provides the centripetal force. |
Gravity pulls satellites towards the planet or star and prevents them from flying off at a tangent. | Gravity's Role |
How does gravity affect a satellite's motion in orbit? | Gravity pulls satellites towards the planet or star, preventing them from flying off at a tangent. |
There is a relationship between the speed of a satellite and the radius of its orbit. | Speed and Radius Relationship |
To maintain a stable orbit, a satellite must move at a particular speed. | Stable Orbit Speed |
What must a satellite do to maintain a stable orbit? | It must move at a particular speed. |
If the satellite moves too slowly, gravity will be too strong and pull it into the star or planet. | Too Slow Speed |
What happens if a satellite moves too slowly? | Gravity will be too strong and pull it into the star or planet. |
If the satellite moves too quickly, gravity will not be strong enough and the satellite will fly off into space. | Too Fast Speed |
What happens if a satellite moves too quickly? | Gravity will not be strong enough and the satellite will fly off into space. |
The speed needs to be just right to keep the satellite moving in a stable orbit. | Just Right Speed |
How should the speed of a satellite be to maintain a stable orbit? | The speed needs to be just right. |
The closer the satellite is to the star or planet, the stronger the force of gravity between them. | Closer Orbit Gravity |
How does the distance to the star or planet affect gravity? | The closer the satellite is, the stronger the force of gravity. |
The stronger the force of gravity, the greater the acceleration. | Stronger Force Acceleration |
How does the force of gravity affect acceleration? | The stronger the force, the greater the acceleration. |
Satellites with smaller orbits move faster than those with bigger orbits. | Smaller Orbit Speed |
How do satellites with smaller orbits compare in speed to those with larger orbits? | Satellites with smaller orbits move faster. |
If the radius of its orbit changes, the speed of a satellite must also change to maintain a stable orbit. | Orbit Radius Change |
What must happen if a satellite's orbit radius changes? | The speed of the satellite must also change to maintain a stable orbit. |