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level: Chapter 1- Introduction

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Chapter 1- Introduction

A variable consists of1. Address 2. Type / Data type 3. Value e.g int number = 1;
What is a Literal?A data value that appears in the program text without a variable e.g A number 5 or 3.6, or a text: "This is a text literal"
What is a constant?A variable whose content cannot be changed - e.g., pi for 3.141592653589793
In a high-level programming language, the instructions (statements, commands) are independent of the processor type.Evaluation of expressions (calculations) and value assignment (e.g. x ← 10 * 6 + 7) Command sequence* Branching* (conditional statement, selection, choice) – two-way or multiway Loop* (iteration, repetition) – head-controlled or foot-controlled Subroutine call
What are the types of branching?Two-way branching Selection of the next statement(s) based on a logical expression (e.g if else) Multiway branching Selection of the next statement(s) based on an expression with finite value range (e.g switch case)
What are the types of repititions?Head-controlled loop Repeat as long as a condition checked at the loop entry is fulfilled (e.g while -> statement) Foot-controlled loop Repeat as long as a condition checked at the loop exit is fulfilled (e.g statement -> while)
What are comments?Comments are used to explain the program Nesting of multiline comments is not allowed.
Notation for production rules in EBNFA ::= x y z concatenation xyz A ::= x1|x2|...|xk alternative x1 or x2 A ::= x [y] z option xz or xyz A ::= x {y} z repetition xz or xyz or xy or yz A ::= x {y}+ z repetition y at least once (xz is forbidden) A ::= (a | x) (b | z) bracketing of text parts ab or xb or az or xz
Syntax of a name (identifier) in JavaIdentifier ::= (Letter | SpecialSymol ) or { Letter | Digit | SpecialSymbol }