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level: Nabil

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Nabil

You haven't cheated in exam, have you?Yes, I haven't cheated in exam
You brushed your teeth, didn't you?Yes, I brushed my teeth
You did fajr prayer, didn't you?Yes, I did pray fajr prayer
You will study hard to be success in school, won't you?Yes, I will study hard to be succes in school
You like to drink a milk, don't you?Yes, I like to drink a milk
You like to go to a mosque, don't you?Yes, I like to go to a mosque
You like to watch movie than studying, don't you?Yes/ No, like studying than watch movie
You will go to a mall in the evening, won't you?Yes/No, I will/won't go to a mall in the evening
You will not play a game in the cellphone , will you?Yes/No, I won't play a game in the cellphone
You rarely go to the cinema, do you?Yes, I rarely go to the cinema