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level: Both From Miss Evi

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Both From Miss Evi

N : Qila doesn't like to sleep late at night, does she?Yes/No, She likes/ doesn't like to sleep late at night
N : Qila's favourite colour is purple, isn't it?Yes/No, Qila's favourite colour is (not) purple
N: Aqila prefer go to the beach instead of the mountain, doesn't she?Yes/No, she prefer go to the beach instead of mountain
N : Aqila will not make her hair short but longer, will she?Yes/No. she will make her hair longer/ shorter
N: You will buy an ice cream when Aqila sad and ask an ice cream to you, won't you?Yes/No, I will buy an ice cream if she sad
A : Nabil's favourite taste of ice cream is chocolate, isn't it?Yes/No, Nabil favourite taste of ice cream is chocolate
A. Nabil likes to read a book than play a games in a cellphone, doesn't he?Yes/No, Nabil likes to read a book
A. Nabil's favourite song is a Korean song, isn't it?Yes/No, Nabil favourite song is (not) a Korean song
A. Nabil's bestfriend's name is Dilan, isn't he?Yes/No, Nabil bestfirend's name is (not) Dilan
A. Nabil is a striker in his football team, isn't he?Yes/No, He is a striker in his football team