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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

SwarmedTo move around in a large group.
WrenchedTo twist suddenly and forcibly; pull, jerk, or force by a violent twist
CutlassA short heavy curved sword with one edge
HeadlongWith the head first and the rest of the body following
UnconsciousNot conscious; without awareness, sensation, or cognition
Briskly​In a practical and confident way
TrottedIf a horse or similar animal with four legs trots, it runs at its slowest speed, using short steps in which a front leg and the back leg on the opposite side move together
BuckedTo force a way through or proceed against (an obstacle
BoomA loud, deep, resonant sound
LurchedTo make a sudden unsteady movement forward or sideways
RecededTo go or move away; retreat; go to or toward a more distant point; withdraw
ScarceVery small in amount or number
MoraleThe amount of confidence and enthusiasm
CircumnavigationThe act of sailing all the way around something, especially all the way around the world
SubdueDefeat them or bring them under control by using force
StakeA share in something, esp. a financial share in a business, or an emotional investment in something
PerishedTo die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to be destroyed
AilmentAn often persistent bodily disorder or disease
Eerily​In a strange, mysterious and frightening way
ReapCut or gather (a crop or harvest)