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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

tapto get or make use of something
do wondersbring unexpectedly good results
sowplant or scatter seed
initiativea new plan or action to improve something or solve a problem
cultivateto nurture, improve, refine
fableA brief story that leads to a moral, often using animals as characters
anachronisticout of date
parentingthe process of caring for children and helping them grow and learn
eradicate(v.) to root out, get rid of, destroy completely
sheafa number of things, especially pieces of paper or plant stems, that are held or tied together
indeliblenot able to be erased or removed; memorable
engrave in your mindnever forget
volatilitybiến động
dogmaticstubbornly opinionated
ponder oversuy ngẫm
hideousnessthe quality of being extremely ugly or bad
deceptiona statement or action that hides the truth, or the act of hiding the truth
fraudwrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
indifferencea lack of interest or concern
apathya lack of feeling, emotion, or interest
cometsao chổi
irrevocableimpossible to change
lodestara star that is used to guide the course of a ship, especially Polaris; an example or principle that people want to follow
make a production of sthto make something seem more difficult or complicated to do than it is
evasionthe act of avoiding something or someone
muddleto make a mess of
help sb outto do work for someone or provide the person with something that is needed